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Monogram Control Surfaces?


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Is anyone using the Monogram control surfaces successfully with Cakewalk? Christian from Spitfire uses it very successfully with Cubase, I think. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with CbB, because it can be programmed to send just about any MIDI message.

Modular Productivity Tool for Creative Pros | Monogram Creative Console (monogramcc.com)



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Hey XBaker,

It's a cute little control surface.   Currently I am using the Mackie Control Surface (MCU).  I am hoping some time during this year to switch to the Icon Qcon Pro G2.

This  control surface is smooth and the faders aren't as noisy as the MCU's, which aren't really that noisy at all if you really think about it.  It's nice to have all of these controls at your finger tips.



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I have the QCon Pro 2 and EX G2, and they're great DAW controllers. I simply can't get Cakewalk to respond to them when I use them in User Defined Mode, which I need in order to send CC1, CC11, etc, when I record orchestral parts. Hence the need for the Monogram CC which I ordered about two weeks ago. Should arrive in another week of so. I'll let folks know how that turns out.

FWIW, IMHO the Monogram controller is quite a bit more than a cute little controller. It'll send MIDI of course, but it'll also send Keyboard messages, App-specific messages, OS messages, and even Joystick mode . And you can program up to 15 Profiles, so the knobs, faders, buttons, etc, can have multiple definitions. I've seen a guy use one with another DAW and set it up with a profile for Recording, another for Mixing, another for Editing, etc. 

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All of the Mackie compatible controllers are great for transport / fader control, but not really suited to custom control of plugins.

The monogram CC should work perfectly with ACT Learn however.

You just need to add the "ACT MIDI Controller" under Control Surfaces in preferences, setting the MIDI IN to be your monogram's MIDI input ( don't bother setting the MIDI output ).

Once you've done that, you're ready to assign knobs/sliders to VST parameters.  Once parameters have been learned for a VST, they'll be remembered globally - so the next time you insert that plugin, the controller will automatically work for that plugin while the plugin's UI is in focus.

A quick example of how to set it up for plugins is shown at 1min in on this video:


A more in-depth explanation can be found in this video:


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  On 5/13/2022 at 7:41 PM, XBaker said:

Is anyone using the Monogram control surfaces successfully with Cakewalk? Christian from Spitfire uses it very successfully with Cubase, I think. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with CbB, because it can be programmed to send just about any MIDI message.

Modular Productivity Tool for Creative Pros | Monogram Creative Console (monogramcc.com)





Take a look at the video from Creative Sauce YoutTube Channel.   Mark gets an honorable mention in this video.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I have the traveler console and I can say after a few months that it’s a game changer if you want to control synths parameters or orchestration with a perfect size and also is well built (I normally use it with Logic Pro X, Photoshop and Premiere. As XBaker is saying, I watched a video in YouTube by CEO of Spitfire Audio (Christian Henson) and he was using it and talking really good about it so decided to give it a try. It is not cheap but is definitely worth it. The new version is much better because for orchestration the faders are closer now and it’s easier to control them at the same time.

Here I share a discount of 40$: http://monogram.refr.cc/albertom 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back in May I said I'd report back here after I received my Monogram Traveler control surface. Well, after a long shipping delay combined with a household move, I've finally had some time to work with the unit in Cakewalk. So far, it's met my expectations. It's quite easy to program using the included Creator software. The unit can be setup to send Windows OS, Keyboard, MIDI, and Joystick messages.  I primarily set it up to send Cakewalk Keyboard Shortcuts and some MIDI CCs. For example, I setup a couple of profiles to control Play, Arm, Record, Go to Start, Go to Next/Previous Measure/Marker, Zoom Horizontally and Vertically, Jump between Tracks and Buses, etc. and send CC messages for Expression, Dynamics, and Vibrato. Scrolling through the Timeline and/or Zooming In/Out by turning Knobs is sweet, and by Pressing the same Knob I can go back to the Start.  One trick I learned is that I can setup a Button to send multiple Keyboard Shortcuts. For example, I setup a Button to send Alt+F then A to perform a Save As. You can do that to access any menu item, and it can go as deep as you need to. Bottom line, it's easy to program and use, takes very little space on the desk, looks great, and it just works. I'm a fan.

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