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Hi Kevin - just listed to Space is Deep - good track and enjoyed it.

And I saw your comments re Hawkwind - i must have seen them live about 20 / 30 times - always great gigs, if a little hazy if you know what I mean - even lost my car at one of them as I couldn't remember where I had left it?

And of course there was always Stacia - if you saw them live, I'm sure you know what I mean!!!!!!

its strange when we go back and listen to old tracks - I've just done the same thing and there were a few that I had never really considered good enough to promote, that were actually not too bad - I have just finished yesterday a video for one! 

Mind you the mix is the worse thing about that specific track, but I don't think i have enough of the project to go back and remix, so it is, as it is!!




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Thanks for that!

I do know what you mean: I remember one Hawkwind gig where I was driving back late at night waving to everyone who was flashing their headlights at me, only to eventually realise I'd been going for ages without headlights...I wonder why I didn't spot that ?  I've been very fortunate to have been able to play with some of the former Hawkwind members over the years - not always with the best results!

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