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2 Projects Open Issues

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I have a new computer running Win 11 for the last 6 or so weeks. I like to sometimes open a previous project while I am working on a new one. There are no issues opening them, but most of the time I see one project while the other is playing. In Win 7 it struggled to open 2 projects, but it always correctly displayed the playing  project.

I am using an RME UCX II at 4 ms roundtrip. If I reduce it to 12 ms things are a little better and I can changesto the correct project, but the cursor doesn't move.

Are any other people experiencing this issue and does it have something to do with latency? My hope was to be able to open multiple projects since I have 32 gb of ram with a 12th generation Intel i7 cpu.


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Are you trying to switch projects with the transport running? If so, that seems like asking for trouble.  In my experience, the audio engine will enable automatically in the newly focused project within a second of switching when playback is stopped,  but there may be some dependency on the audio driver (MOTU in my case). Too avoid any glitches I've gotten  in the habit of disabling the engine (by a keybinding) in the currently active project before switching but I sometimes don't bother and have not had any trouble recently. Having more than just the main program window open may complicate things depending on how you're switching projects (i.e. choosing from the Window menu or by  Ctrl+Tab or by clicking a visible part of the track view for the other project).

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