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Mntra MNDLA Updated to 1.8.0

Larry Shelby

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M1 SUPPORT, NEW FEATURES, AND BUG FIXES - Spring Sale is on  - up to 50% Off!

Thanks so much for all of your patience while we rigorously tested this new version of MNDALA, making sure its ready for your next production. 

MNDALA Engine V1.8.0 Changelog:

- Added native M1 architecture for Apple builds

- Fixes issues with velocity modulators

- rlrottie_x64.dll now embedded in plugin (fixes rendering issues)

- General UI fixes

- Added preset searching



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16 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Now that you mention it, I do recall that lil' debacle

Just installed the 1.8.0 update, and MNDALA seemed to lose track of my installed sound sculptures. Rolled back to 1.7.12 and all OK again.

Advise waiting to update.

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15 hours ago, abacab said:

Just installed the 1.8.0 update, and MNDALA seemed to lose track of my installed sound sculptures. Rolled back to 1.7.12 and all OK again.

Advise waiting to update.

I assume you reported this to the developer.  Any response?  

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2 hours ago, balinas said:

I assume you reported this to the developer

Just letting others here know that I ran into an issue. Might just be me. If someone else can confirm the issue, that would imply that it's just not my problem only. That would give weight to any report that I may choose to make.

At any rate, it's not a showstopper to roll back. :)

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1.80 seems to find all my installed sound sculpture instruments, except Orakle, but it does find Orakle-X.  I will need to look at that a bit more.  

I did have a crash of StudioOne v5 with 1.80 installed.   I never had any other crashes with earlier versions.  I will test out a few more instances over the weekend.  

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I noticed that the new plugin version seemed to have trouble recalling the paths to the samples folders, even after I reconnected them, and reloaded the plugin.

When I uninstalled and rolled back to the previous version, I still had to reconnect them, but the paths were remembered after. All good now! :)

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MNTRA instruments are fun, but sadly I have abandoned ship.    Too many problems.  I have a lot of other instruments that work properly with no issues and life is too short. 

They should have made their stuff for Kontakt and that's that.  Hubris.  Other engines aren't the best even for many huge companies like Best Service, Orchestral Tools, and Spitfire.  Why try to build one when you're just starting out?

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3 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

MNTRA instruments are fun, but sadly I have abandoned ship.    Too many problems.  I have a lot of other instruments that work properly with no issues and life is too short. 

They should have made their stuff for Kontakt and that's that.  Hubris.  Other engines aren't the best even for many huge companies like Best Service, Orchestral Tools, and Spitfire.  Why try to build one when you're just starting out?

100%, my friend. Spot on. 

When a developer makes commercial libraries they must hold themselves to a higher standard than this developer. I bought one product,  put in a ticket when there was showstopper level problems. The developer got back to me a week later, said he was really busy and would get back to me in a week but never did. 

I don't believe it's ethical to market commercial products that clearly have not been properly developed and tested and on top of it to have such incredibly poor (non-existent, in my experience) support. It's simply not a legitimate business to charge people for products in that state. The developer may be a very nice person, who is in over his head  but it's simply not good business ethics to sell products that don't work properly,  aren't properly tested and have support that is equally as poor. Even one of the influencers promoting his libraries -- er, "reviewing" his libraries -- was in the middle of doing his "review" when he had showstopper problems, called the developer, and in a live show that went on for an hour or so, the developer could not get things working. I share this so that others are aware of these issues. These developer's products are definitely not ready for the market. He clearly is not properly coding and adequately testing his plugin based on my experiences and those of others who have posted  in various forums- even from the experiences of that YouTube influencer whose technical issues could not be resolved by the developer, leading to the developer acknowledging various unresolved issues with his plugin. 

At this point, I think the developer would do well to temporarily pause sales until he can address all of the known issues with his plugin on numerous platforms. From the various forums,  the issues encompass Windows and Apple operating systems and the developer acknowledges these issues, however he keeps having new releases that are clearly not properly tested prior to release and end up with even more issues. I'm waiting until I  see multiple posts from users on the Windows 10 platform giving the all clear. I'm not going to waste more time on this mess of a plugin. 

EDIT: Just to be clear, I reported the plugin's issues back in December 2021. The developer said he was super busy addressing other issues and would get back to me. It's nearly 5 months later and he never got back to me and the issues were never resolved with the problem ridden updates made since then. That's simply unacceptable and the forums make clear that the issues I've experienced are not isolated. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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I see a sort of functional parallel between MNTRA and Soundpaint. Sound sculpture instruments vs. Soundpaint instruments. Morphing. Hmmm... ?

Both are fun to play!

Maybe the two should join forces? Soundpaint had some bugs during their initial launch, but eventually got that under control. Bet they could up MNTRA's game a bit.

In any case the samples sound great!

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Currently, Mntra 1.8 continually crashes both Cubase 12 and StudioOnev5 on my system.  


I can't find my backup of Mntra   Does anyone have a link?  I can't find anything on the Mndala site where I can download previous versions.  

I did write Support at Mndala.  

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  • 1 month later...
57 minutes ago, James Foxall said:

Just bought some MNTRA instruments - Oracle X is crashing consistently in Ableton Live. :/

Oracle X is a MNTRA sound library.  MNDALA is the sample player and plugin that plays MNTRA libraries. I assume that you mean the MNDALA plugin is crashing Ableton?

Have you tried either of their free libraries, Frcture or Rasa? Do they cause the same issue? They run fine here with Ableton, using MNDALA version 1.7.12.

I rolled back from the 1.8.0 version they released recently due to some issues not related to crashes. I noticed that the version they are currently offering is 1.7.12. Are you using that one?

Edited by abacab
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Sorry abacab - I did mean the MNDALA plugin. I have two other paid libraries but seem to only have the issue with Oracle X.

It might be related to trying to play some notes too soon after changing a preset - like the plugin can't elegantly handle being between loading samples. I've slowed that down a bit and it seems more stable.

I am on 1.8

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I also had to rollback to 1.7.12 as 1.8 was terribly unstable on my system on Cubase and Studio one 5. The developer had written back to my inquiries.  

I haven’t tried jumping forward again. Not my move on the checker board yet. 

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