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Sound Particles - Energy panner - free - usually $49


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1 hour ago, MusicMan said:

This is SO me! Haha...

I'm thinking I've got all I really need, but even now I've got a bit a of a mental note of things I could get swayed by if on a good enough sale.. some others that pop up on here I even go as far as adding them to the cart ?

But there's worse things to spend money on, so it could be worse ?

At least they don't take up physical space. ??

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8 hours ago, Wibbles said:

Shh ... don't tell anyone else, but I've run out of GAS. I'm powered almost completely wind-powered now.

You're an inspiration to us all, man.

Kind of like those vegans who superglued themselves to the counter at Starbucks to protest the  price of soy milk. I don't  understand them, but I do admire their commitment.

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To the topic...I played around with this a bit.

I've always imagined a MIDI plugin that would randomly pan each note, creating an effuse, or maybe twinkly effect.  That plugin doesn't exist, AFAIK, but I hoped that this might produce a similar effect. It doesn't. At the default setting, most things I threw at it just laid lifelessly on the left and occasionally jumped to the center. Who'd have guessed that panning the quietest notes left and the loudest notes right isn't all that useful?

That said, there are other modes I haven't experimented with yet, and I think that if you created a track specifically with this effect in mind it could still be pretty nifty. 

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Hey hey! I heard back from support. Evidently, I had previously been subscribed and unsubscribed from the mailing list and it didn't send. I sub/unsub from so many lists I can't keep up!  But all good, I have Energy Panner!  Now I just need to remember to install it and try it out....  ?

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