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Waves 24 Hr Sale - Any Plugin for $24.99!

Larry Shelby

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Valid through April 19, 2022, 9:00 AM EDT.
Cannot be combined with any other coupons. Coupon can only be used once. *Excluded: Abbey Road Studio 3, Clarity Vx Pro, TRACT System Calibration, B360 Ambisonics Encoder.

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  On 4/18/2022 at 9:03 PM, Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann said:

Is there any plugin discounter accepting this code or is it only directly from waves? (I tried a couple but no luck, if someone finds one please post)


I believe that EveryPlugin would accept it.  Just contact Koby.
They most likely all will, but it won't work in their "coupon" box on 
their website

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  On 4/18/2022 at 9:07 PM, cclarry said:

I believe that EveryPlugin would accept it.  Just contact Koby.
They most likely all will, but it won't work in their "coupon" box on 
their website


I did contact Koby and actually he made the code work directly in their checkout page!

I got the Nx Germano Studios for $22.99

From the point of view of usefulness it's probably better having just one Nx studio and "learning it" but, the fun factor of "imagine yourself at ..." makes it worth having more at this price


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