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Heads Up - 8DIO site is Hack/Wacked again!

Larry Shelby

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Bit Defender shows the site has malicious code, so  I ran  Sucuri  on it and it comes back clean. It's not fool proof, but the code on the site appears clean. 

I sent the folks at 8Dio a message to let them know of the situation. It may be a result of when they were recently hacked. 

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Darn. I’ve only recently gotten into their libraries and they are awesome. They also have some great videos to go along with them. Wishing them well. I run a software company so I understand their pain. I’ve got four people in my it department and they are always fighting to stay one step ahead of the hackers. Some of the pfishing scams are getting really sophisticated and look legit. My employees have received text messages that are supposed to come from me asking them to pick up Walmart gift cards and drop them in the mail for me. Scary to think how they got their numbers and my name…

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