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First thought was Wow! Great mixing and mastering on this. Sound hit me in the face right off the bat. : )

The only thing I heard was at the end when the other voices came in with the lead vocal, they all kind of got lost. Couldn't understand what was being said. Not as clear as the main vocal was.


All in all a great effort. Excellent mix and EQ'ing!! Or would that be called..... Mastering!

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I really dig this song.  It's laid back and clear.  Love the groove when it starts.  Guitars have plenty of punch in there.  I'd be curious to know how many tracks you have going because everything seems to have good placement and is clear.  Are you doing strictly LCR or are you the type to use the entire space?

This reminds me of someone or a band....it's almost like a Tom Petty type of vocal.  I love Tom Petty.  I agree with Grem that the other voices at the end get a bit lost.  I think you were going for the crowd vibe on that, but it's a bit hard to hear what they're saying.  Could you bring up the lead vocal there a bit just to give it some clarity?  I think it would still have the same vibe.

Great song, I dig it.  Listened several times.  ?

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I listened on headphones. I liked it inside of the first second turned it on. Cool groove, cool progression, cool as hell!

So I imagine you are still playing with eq and such? What's great about this groove is also what could be trouble - it's pretty dense with all the parts.

As I listen to the bass guitar, I get (again, on headphones, HD380 pro, they have decent bass response) I'm hearing the wonderful "plucky" bass highs. But also, some really deep and kind of gushy sub-bass. I think you also have some kind of boomwhacker in there? I'd maybe tame that sub-bass region just a bit, it fills and fills the basement. Might be worth moving that hpf up just a tad?


It's most noticeable around 1:30, whatever chorus or section you have there.

Maybe a bit more variation in the drum fills?


OK, again, great song, vocals totally work a treat, I could hear plenty of the lyrics. Wouldn't this be fun to play live? The room would go crazy.






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Hi guys, as usual there's a lot of astute listening done here so ..

I took off the ending lead vocal track because of the trolls on Soundcloud, the song isn't complete without the last chorus part...but that's OK I have the finished vers in the studio.

The whole work was started on Plat and then moved to CB 10 pro, mainly because ( for some reason I can't be bothered with) when using loads of multi tracks, it tends to freeze (always when you least expect) ..

To date I'm looking into the Eq thing, side chaining and proper use of dynamics ... I figured at my age I should at least try, as mixing stuff is key to  the songs I do.. and for the sake of repeating myself, you picked the heavy fly in the ointment Tom, the bass is too high, although I toned it down a bit and then brought down the Eq where it felt kind of muddy ...as said, I'm trying stuff out and as this is supposed to be a bit EDM, I left it in ... but I take your point so thanks mate . As regards to doing it live .. now that would be a gas ! LOL.

The tech side of this work involved 4 lead vocal lines, 4 instances of chorus using a TC Helicon VL touch, 3 different drum kits each having 6 to 8 separate tracks and 5 guitar tracks so I had 6 busses to mix down to and then out to home where I put a touch more Eq and compression.  Before the uploading I run the whole song through Cyberlink Audio-director which if used with a delicate ear you have the ability to do fine adjustments ....   

To answer the question Are you doing strictly LCR or are you the type to use the entire space?each track is located using the entire space because with so much going on the song would be too messy ... and I suppose as Tom has pointed out, I most probably missed the ball there ..

Thanks all for the time spent ..it means a lot !!


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I've listened to this 4 times, and I still can hardly believe that you're singing this.  Only because your voice can be so different from song to song.  This is a cool song with an even cooler beat.  The mix if very good, and it sounds warm and inviting, thus, drawing the listener into the song.  You're one of the best!

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18 hours ago, Lynn said:

I've listened to this 4 times, and I still can hardly believe that you're singing this.  Only because your voice can be so different from song to song.  This is a cool song with an even cooler beat.  The mix if very good, and it sounds warm and inviting, thus, drawing the listener into the song.  You're one of the best!

Thanks Mate, we've grown a lot from the mother site ... have we not? Maybe one day we'll all be millionaires ? 

Stay well


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On 6/10/2019 at 10:59 PM, Joad said:

Nice balance between the keys and guitar.

I know it's bubble gum music but it's fun to play ...thanks


21 hours ago, kloon said:

Good song SPAK! Nice groove, love the stereo width.  A good IYF presence in the vocals.

The "You always think of her" part is really strong. Thumbs up from Kloon! :)

Much appreciate the input ..  and from ya good self ! made up mate thanks


19 hours ago, kakku said:

First I thought this is reggae. But it is perhaps some kind of hybrid production. Anyways great work here

Do like to keep on the other side of WTF ! thanks for the input


17 hours ago, freddy j said:

What is this --- electronica meets reggae?  However -- it really doesn't matter, because this is an absolutely wonderful song.  Your vocals are great and to my ears the mix is perfect.  Excellent stuff Steve!!!

Added to  my comment above but many thanks. Given your stuff this is a bit lame but knock out that you like it ..


16 hours ago, garybrun said:

Well done Steve and such a great groove.

Thanks for listening Gary

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