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Unfiltered Audio TRIAD

Larry Shelby

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After the smashing success of BYOME, Unfiltered Audio is at it again with their latest creation, TRIAD. With the ability to split up the signal into three bands and apply 40+ BYOME effects to each band individually, this three-headed beast will put the rest of your FX plugins to shame.
 $149 Intro Price


Edited by cclarry
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Perhaps it's a pricing error?  Do you own any of the other Unfiltered Products?  The email I got said


Great news! As you already own BYOME, you will get this brand-new
multi-band processor from Unfiltered Audio for only $49. Just grab it on
the web site.  Make sure you are logged in to save $250!

Then the next email I got (seconds later) offered me a Heavy Hitter Intro Price coupon code to get it for $99.

If they had sent out the monthly vouchers I might have picked it up.  When I add the $49 version to my cart it creates a coupon for it (so I guess you can't discount it any more).  I'll wait till it's $25ish.

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13 minutes ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

Perhaps it's a pricing error?  Do you own any of the other Unfiltered Products?  The email I got said


I own just about all of them...but it's listed at $49 on their website...and when you add it to
your cart, it's $49 with it's own voucher added to the cart...

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45 minutes ago, Ryan99 said:

It’s written ´Your plugin of the month’ with the 49$ price.

Yep, the same here. To be funny I got email from them with heavy hitter discount down to  ... $99 :)

But when logged in got $49 with plugin of the month annotation close to price as below:


Not having byome.


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Maybe instead of vouchers they are starting some new "plugin of the month price" thing?  They certainly keep coming up with strange pricing.  Just have to be patient,  pick your target price and wait for it.  BYOME is pretty neat, but to be honest it's not been very useful for making music.  This multi-band version seems nice but again not sure how it helps me all that much.  A lot of these advanced audio effects fall in that boat for me, could be it's just me though.

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