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Routing issue

Milton Sica

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I bring a problem that I found in a project. I don't know if it's from this version or from others, but I'll explain:

1 - I have a Battery VST (Mt-DrumKit) that I forward to a BUS.
2 - This BUS transmits to the Master.
3 - I muted all the drum tracks (wav/mid) and the VST itself, but when exporting, the drum tracks are generated in the exported Wav file as if they had not been MUTE.

I thought it might be something from the pre-recorded task. I redid the procedures to rewrite the task and the same keeps happening.

I only got what I intended, that is, to mute the drums when, even with the MUTE of all the tracks triggered, I put all the volumes in INF.

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It can depend on the export settings. Example “tracks through entire mix” will export everything that is checked on the list, even muted tracks. 
The “Entire mix “ pre set is the best for export of What you hear.   

And understanding signal flow helps to troubleshoot routing issues. Generally it’s top to bottom on the track strip. But careful if you engage pre fader options on effect sends. 
Solo busses and also mute the master is another good way to make sure routing is correct. 
I always have a bus for each part so I would just need to mute the Drum Buss 

Edited by John Vere
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