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Tripnlab Sound Trajectory updated to 2.0.1

Larry Shelby

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­New Sound Trajectory version 2

­A new version of Sound Trajectory is available. The software benefits from all your opinions collected over the last four years since the first version was released.  The interface keeps the same logic while benefiting from some ergonomic improvements.  But above all, many new features are waiting for you! The audio inputs have been completely revised. Each track now has its own audio engine. It is now possible to combine multichannel, ambisonic and DBAP tracks.
For multipoint broadcasting and electroacoustic music concerts, a specific track type is now dedicated to the specific routing of loudspeaker orchestras.
A new multidelay effect now allows you to create unprecedented spatialized textures, chipping away at your sounds along the paths.

The application is fully compatible with Apple Silicon and benefits greatly from this new architecture. A simple macbook air M1 reaches the performances of a professional workstation twenty times heavier...


Edited by cclarry
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