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Old Project, nothing in the track view.


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Opened a current project yesterday and found nothing in the track view. Console view showed the proper number of tracks, project played back as expected. In panic mode

I forgot about clearing the picture cache, but loading a new empty track in track view restored the old tracks. Pretty sure this has been as issue for other users but my first time.

So, can this get fixed once and for all!!!  ?


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I wonder if an optional setting to clear the picture cache on closing would be a good idea. This would probably slow down opening projects but solve

the issue once and for all?

Martins, I'll make a note of the procedure you outlined. 



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19 hours ago, davet said:

found nothing in the track view

What kind of tracks Audio or midi ? (im guessing Audio because you mentioned Picture cache).

19 hours ago, davet said:

Pretty sure this has been as issue for other users.

Never heard of this before in my life.

16 hours ago, davet said:

That is the first place I looked and the Show all Tracks and Buses was greyed out. 

Can you upload the project so I can take a look at it ?

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20 hours ago, davet said:

Opened a current project yesterday

Is it a current project or an old project ? Because your title says "old project nothing in the track view".

Did you possibly hit the screensets button by accident again ? or is this something totally different ?


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