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Antisocial Media- Scandalous Grace


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The vocal is outstanding and the guitars are too.  I listened to the song three times via headphones and speakers and I'm still having trouble making out some of the words. Maybe the guitars are too loud in places? But also likely that it's just me and I'm failing a hearing test.  Probably didn't help you with this critique but there's my 2 cents.

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Freddy J- Thank you for listening and commenting.  I can certainly relate to the "old ears" comment, mine are not what they used to be.  Thank you for the encouraging words, we are overall very happy with how this one is turning out.  

Edited by michaelhanson
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Hey Bjorn_  Thanks for listening brother!  We are still doing some small tweaks to this song behind the scenes.   We will certainly look into the areas you have pointed out.  I think we are going to do at least 1 more small tweak to the drum track, yet on this song.  

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Hey, Michael,

I guess I'm late to the party and missed the first few versions of this one, but I'm really glad I was able to catch this cool high energy rocker!?

Great topic and songwriting, as always from you guys, excellent musicianship and performances by all, and a nice, full, punchy modern sounding mix!

I agree with Douglas, as soon as Sean's killer vocals started, Dennis DeYoung, whose vocals with Styx I always loved, immediately came directly to mind.  All the instrumentation was great, tasty guitar work, rock solid bass and keys, and I really like the synth stuff on the choruses.

Excellent job, guys, definitely another winner for the Scandalous Grace repertoire!  Great stuff!??

Have a good one, boys!

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Hey Bob- Thank you greatly for listening and reviewing this song.  Your comments are ALWAYs highly regarded by all 3 of us.   I especially like it that you are hearing this mix a "full, punchy and modern" sounding.  That is exactly what we were shooting for.   

Based on all of the great feed back we have received here on the forums, the CD is currently in Reece's hands for Mastering.   I believe this song will sit in the 3 slot on the album.

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hey guys, long time no hear ; ),  you' re still writing and playing great stuff,  a bit of reverb overall would have been nice to give it a bit more space imho ; ) Nice guitar work as always. .

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