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ENDS 30TH JUNE - Save 50% on Komplete 12 Upgrades Plus Get Zero-G Herz OG FREE!

Larry Shelby

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16 minutes ago, Anxiousmofo said:

Bummer on the Dronar deal going away.  Guess I shouldn't have waited for them to fix the loyalty points.  Much less tempted to jump on this now.  Guess I'll wait and hope that better add-ons pop up somewhere.

Yup they just confirmed on chat that Dronar was not supposed to be included! Also free shipping is for orders of £75 or more so might be better to use less points and lower it to £75 to get free shipping. I also keep getting endless loops using PayPal where I think I have paid but it takes me back to the T&S order page asking me to enter my phone number (which is already entered in my account).  Doesn't inspire me with confidence despite having made lots of orders with them in the past. 

Going to sit on it for a day or two. I don't need the freebie and maybe I should give my local store the business.

Plus as mono says it is early on in a long month.

Edited by ZincT
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On 5/31/2019 at 12:58 PM, Anxiousmofo said:

FWIW, I don't believe they have sales on Komplete updates or upgrades (from Komplete) on BF; only on single products.

Good to know, thanks. I bought K11U with the idea of not updating until K13U came along. Let's see how my plan holds. 

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On 5/31/2019 at 12:51 PM, Mike Docy said:

K12U and K12UCE (Collectors Edition) are both the same price for the upgrade.

Why would someone not get the CE? It has more content. Am I missing something here?

I'm not seeing  CE at the same price on T+S.  I see upgrade to K12U for $173  and upgrade to K12U CE for $259.  

On 5/31/2019 at 1:04 PM, kitekrazy said:

 Free drive space.   I say this with a log in my eye but how much of this will you really use?

You don't have to install any of the Komplete instruments that you don't want.  If you can get it for the same price, there is no reason not to get it. 

I did not buy KU12 CE when it came out because I definitely have better orchestral libraries.  But I DO want the Sonuscore Percussion library that comes with it. It's $99.50 now on the NI site.  I'll be waiting to see if it turns up anywhere else for less. 

Edited by Tiger The Frog
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As far as the Dronar for free...it seems to only appear if you are paying in US dollars! If you purchase in pounds it goes away!  They were very responsive to me and sent me download links for Dronar even though I paid in pounds and it wasn't in my basket. Same thing applies to loyalty points....if you pay in US dollars you can't use them for this purchase but you can if you pay in pounds! (Which is why I paid in pounds.)

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Yes it is very peculiar.  If you are shopping in pounds and put Komplete in the cart there will be no pop-up window for Dronar.  However if you are shopping in dollars and put it in the cart the pop-up window will appear and as you go further in the checkout process it will indeed be free.  I always switch between pounds and  dollars when shopping online...it's amazing how often things are cheaper one way or the other as well as weird glitches like this.

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I ordered the K12 upgrade,  I had to pay postage even without using my loyalty points, even then the only cheaper place it could find was the download version direct from NI, which was actually 50p dearer but no P&P.  Getting the freebee from Time and Space makes it the best deal by far (assuming Hertz-OG is decent of course, I am downloading that now.)

Update - I have had a very quick look at Hertz-OG, there are some nice sounds and it looks like there is a reasonable amount of tweak-ability. It certainly looks useful.

The main downside is presets are presented as individual NKI files, 630 of them rather than snapshots making browsing a chore and mapping parameters to Komplet Kontrol in-practical.  I think in time I will split the sounds into different folders to make it easier to find sounds.


Edited by Glyn Barnes
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32 minutes ago, Glyn Barnes said:

The main downside is presets are presented as individual NKI files, 630 of them rather than snapshots making browsing a chore and mapping parameters to Komplet Kontrol in-practical.  I think in time I will split the sounds into different folders to make it easier to find sounds.


Wow.  That's mighty stupid and annoying.  Good to know.

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8 minutes ago, Anxiousmofo said:

Wow.  That's mighty stupid and annoying.  Good to know.

A  factor is probably most NKIs use different samples which probably makes the use of snapshots more difficult. Never the less separating pads, arps, leads, basses etc into separate folders would have helped.

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1 hour ago, Glyn Barnes said:

A  factor is probably most NKIs use different samples which probably makes the use of snapshots more difficult. Never the less separating pads, arps, leads, basses etc into separate folders would have helped.

Yeah, thinking on it further, I have a number of Impact Soundworks libs that are similarly structured.

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Native Instruments made it way too difficult for non-Player instruments to use snapshots.  You end up having to give the user crazy directions (that they never can follow) or you have to write installers (which isn't hard but doing it for both Mac and Windows is a very high burden).  So until they change how Kontakt and snapshots work I suspect the pile of .nki presets is going to stay around.

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On 5/31/2019 at 8:39 PM, Ryan99 said:

You can ask them to send you only the serial by email. They did it for me in the past and they will do it again this time, got confirmation today.

Did it take long for them to reply to you? I emailed them two days ago and haven't received a reply; slightly surprising, as they're usually quite prompt in responding.

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My Komplete 12 update arrived from Gear4Music this morning.

It comes in a small box (approx. 6 x 5 x 1.5 inches).

Inside the box is the 160Gb USB3 hard drive, USB3 HDD cable, card with serial number and various others cards and stickers.

Planning to install it this weekend. 

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My Komplete 11 update to 12 went fine. I just added the serial to Native Access and all was good. 

After connecting the hard drive Native Access detects it and displays a message saying it will use the hard drive for installation of Komplete. I don't have all of Komplete installed and I noticed that if you go to the "Not Installed" tab not all items have a "hard drive" icon (next to the size field) indicating that some will be downloaded rather than installed from the hard drive.  For example, the new Play Series modules have to be downloaded. I assume the hard drive contents will be based on whatever was available when it was created so YMMV.  

The first thing I installed was Kontakt 6 which automatically imported all of the libraries that I had set up in Kontakt 5.  As far as I can tell K6 seems to co-exist with K5 just fine. I also tried the new Kontakt 6 only Play Series which are a nice addition. I will also install Session Strings 2 later (also not on hard drive). 

Now it's just a waiting game for Massive X. 


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I got the update to Komplete ultimate 12 from 10. It came on the hard drive, hopefully most of it is on the hard drive as my internet is terrible. I want to do a clean install and not have Kontakt 5 there, the remaining projects I have to transfer over can all have Kontakt 5 removed and then I will replace with 6 on the new opened projects. I don't like duplicates of anything on my system.

My plan is to remove everything of Komplete ultimate 10 and then install 12. I hope the icons light up for hard drive option or I will be stuffed. That is the whole point of the hard drive option.

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