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In Session Audio Shimmer, Shake, Strike 2

Larry Shelby

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I'm not sure if I'll ever be in a situation where I'm thinking "this shaker's not quite right, better audition the other 39". And it still doesn't have bamboo. The sequencer doesn't seem to have been made any easier to use in odd time signatures. And yeh, I would have liked a lower upgrade price.

But this is such a good instrument I'm probably gonna spring for it anyway.

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To be clear - I have no issues with them as a business. For me, considering what I've paid for a LOT of instruments, this one seems worth the $50 I paid. The additional features don't justify $70 (for me).  As Bit bit sort of said - I don't often find myself needing to tweak the hell out of a shaker track. :)

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2 hours ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

I suggest that people have a look at the thread for the product on VI-Control to avoid anymore drama here... I had the same opinion at first that the upgrade was more than the sale price, so too much, but after reading Kyle’s answers, it helped have a better opinion.

I wish people would not think of VI-Control as some higher authority than here.

I always like the response of the Gig Performer developers mentioning the race down to zero.

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2 hours ago, bitflipper said:

I'm not sure if I'll ever be in a situation where I'm thinking "this shaker's not quite right, better audition the other 39". And it still doesn't have bamboo. The sequencer doesn't seem to have been made any easier to use in odd time signatures. And yeh, I would have liked a lower upgrade price.

But this is such a good instrument I'm probably gonna spring for it anyway.

With the audio editing capabilities in the modern DAW one could use loops.

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3 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

With the audio editing capabilities in the modern DAW one could use loops.

True, but that's often more work than even a clunky sequencer. You either spend your time editing, or browsing hundreds of loops until you find one that kind of fits.

I much prefer playing percussion parts on the keyboard or hand-planting them in the PRV. Most of my perc instruments have sequencers, arpeggiators and loops but I tend to use these libraries as just another one-shot sound source. SSS works fine in that capacity as well. Especially now with the addition of toms and cymbals.

These days, when I want a repetitive percussion part such as a shaker, I usually reach for Skaka. It's lightweight, easy to program and doesn't require Kontakt. If only they'd add more instruments to it! It would be perfect for congas and bongos.

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Perhaps Fate is looking out for me. This is what I get when I click the "Buy" button. 

insessionaudio.com says....OK. Does that mean "OK, we get that you make foolish impulse purchases from time to time and maybe you should think about it first"?



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Well, they finally deemed me worthy of the upgrade. Shut up and take my money! I begged.

First impressions: some nice new samples added, but more importantly they've added more velocity layers to some of the existing instruments. For example, there's one named "Shells" I liked from the old version but it didn't respond to velocity, but now it does. Sequencer still seems to start at whatever step it wants to, but now that I can drag it onto the MIDI track that shouldn't be an issue anymore. The new kick and toms are deep and full-sounding.

Weird thing when I attempt to use more than two instances of the nki - the third instance will not play and a clicking sound comes out. Will investigate further, but for now it doesn't look like this will be my  go-to general purpose percussion instrument since I can only load 3 sources per nki and only two nki's per Kontakt instance.

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Oops accidentally posted that just as I was starting to write it. Might have toned it down during editing otherwise. I guess the universe wanted me to tell it like it is, lol. 

Edited by Craig N
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