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Acustica 24 hr Flash Sale - Coffee

Larry Shelby

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For those who may need to know what Coffee models:

Coffee (15) - The Chandler Collection
 • EQs: (A) Chandler Limited TG12345 Curve Bender and (B) Chandler Limited Germanium Tone Control.
 • Compressors: (1) , (2) and (ULTRA) are a Chandler Limited RS124. (MODE 3/LIM) is a Chandler Limited TG12413 Zener Limiter
 • Preamps: 31 in total.
1-24: 24 channel paths (line input to output). The frequency response (of each preamp) is derived from 24 different channels of a transistor-based solid-state console. The harmonic content (of each preamp) is derived from a recreation of a celebrated vintage Mic Amplifier (valve line amplifier) used in one of the most famous recording Studios in UK in the ‘60s.
EMI TG12428?
A: EQ Model A's line preamp.
C25: REDD.47? "a tube microphone pre-amplifier emulation, the recreation of the original valve line amplifiers used in one of the best British recording studios in the ‘60s."
E: line preamp of the TG12413.
F: line preamp of the RS124.
G: Little Devil Pre Amp (doesn’t include the Feedback control).
B: EQ - Model B's line preamp emulation of a preamp emulation of a Germanium based Mono Microphone Preamp/ DI 500 series unit.
(The B and D emulations that are part of the FEED bank give the user the possibility to use the FEEDBACK control/knob.)

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