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Steinberg Reponse to my Ticket - Total Bull Hockey


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So, I opened up a ticket on my Elements 11 to 12 not working.  I activated both versions of 11 on 11/11/21, which was after their grace period started.  My Pro activated corrected, but my Elements did not:

This was their response to my ticket:

Thank you for your reply.
Your Elements 11 is not working because you purchased the upgrade or version of Elements 11 cubase before the grace period which started on Black Friday teh day after Thanksgiving of 2021. Your Elements purchase was before that as it shows your code in your email that was sent being used on 11/11/2021. Also neither of these are your receipt of purchase for elements 11 which we would need to verify that specific date is what qualifies.

You would need to purchase the upgrade from elements 11 to elements 12 to proceed.

Thank you
Steinberg US Support"

That is 100% Not Correct, and total bull.



I responded with: 

"That is 100% NOT true.   As you can see from your own site, the grace period started November 10th.  As you can see, I activated on the 11.  As I said, it worked for Pro, but not Elements.


Please advise."


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Well, after a bit of back and forth (where I had to continually remind them of their policy), I finally got my Elements 12 Activation key.   Which, I guess I could sell now, since I don't really need it now.

Edited by husker
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Hmm, I wonder if this is a case of "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" (i.e., the person you corresponded with at SB is simply ignorant of SB's announcements).  If it is indeed an attempt to cheat you out of something that you clearly are entitled to, I'd say that's very unsavory of SB.

Since we don't have a disapproving, finger-waving emoticon, I made my own.  Take that SB!  image.png.875da766dfa31cccce20270c2f3f3c2e.png

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10 hours ago, John Maar said:

I followed a 12-step plan and am now happily Steinberg-free! And I'm going to stay Steinberg-free.

Not me. I fell for the $99 upgrade.  I like the 3 machine limit.  I wonder if I will ever really use it.  I have to get past collecting DAWs.

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1 hour ago, kitekrazy said:

Not me. I fell for the $99 upgrade.  I like the 3 machine limit.  I wonder if I will ever really use it.  I have to get past collecting DAWs.

I had a 3-DAW limit. Studio One Pro, SONAR Platinum and Reaper. I'm now down to one, Studio One, that is. I was wasting too much time going back and forth between DAWs. ?

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14 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Somewhat off topic and completely irrelevant, but I think Husker,  you have a fondness for hockey that shows in your avatar and this thread's title. Not knocking it, I'm a fan and of the same team too.  Just a quick observation!

Yes, huge fan actually.  I live in the South now, but was born and raised in the Midwest.  At the time, you either pulled for the NorthStars or the Blackhawks; I picked the Hawks, so I've been a fan since the late 80s.   Chicago has always been one of my favorite cities to visit (not sure I would want to live there).

I'm actually in Lake Forest this week for work.

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