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Soundtoys for Ukraine

Larry Shelby

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Soundtoys 5 bundle for FREE (sort of)!

If you are planning to donate to Ukraine anyway, you can get the full Soundtoys 5 bundle for free by using the following codes.
Soundtoys will give 100% of what you pay to the Ukraine.

Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders: Use code DOCTORS
World Central Kitchen: Use code MEALS
International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine: Use code SAFETY

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We just made a donation to ICRC a couple days ago, but maybe we will make another? ?  I use Charity Navigator to look over charities that we support.  They don't score ICRC.  Anyway, you can look at International Committee of the Red Cross annual reports here.  Plenty of other info at the root site. We felt they were a good fit for how we wanted to help.

I just got a solicitation email from SoundToys.  I lined out the above because the "Safety" code actually supports the Red Cross of Ukraine.  Probably a very worthy charity, but not the organization that I researched.


Thank you SoundToys!  Outstanding offer.

Edited by Brian Lawler
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For those of us of more modest means who are willing to take a chance and be patient, one potential option might be to presently purchase a SoundToys gift-card for ~$200 (with those monies being donated by ST), and wait until BF/CM in the "hope" that ST will again offer the Bundle for ~$229. This would still allow a (more modest) donation to be made, and the Donor to (possibly/eventually) obtain the Bundle for $229 vice $499.

From the e-mail ST sent me:


you can still participate by purchasing a Gift Card. Gift it to someone who loves Soundtoys, or keep it for the next release!


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And if we want to give to donbass ? actually 

i just watched this , thisliterraly broke my heart , the old man is crying because he said "i grew up in caves during WW2 ,my grandma died to protect me then and now because of those nazy's i don't want my grand kids to do so .... ukrainiens srole all food , bombing eveyday (even during interview) this is the reality since 2014 !!

Since the whole world seems to be concerned by ukrainiens , let's help ALL Ukrainiens .....

Sad to see that Millions "non white"people dying because of illegal war don't get 1% of this attention 

Ready for my Puns , it's because we say nothing that we're inthis situation today , like we say in France : Qui ne dit mot , consent (who says nothing agrees)

Can't be one of them , i know it's not the place , but just be sure to hit Soundtoys if you by some and ask them if 50 % of ukraniens that speak russiands and are in the est gonna be helped also ....it's a serious question , if not , you're just replying to propaganda  ....since real humanitarian don't make differences ...

Edited by Zo
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Watched your vid, Zo, though I have to say those journalists don’t seem too neutral to me, especially the French speaking one. She puts words in the mouths of the people she interviews and asks them to repeat what she says. But you’re right about including all Ukrainians. There’s no place for war in Europe. 

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2 hours ago, Fleer said:

Watched your vid, Zo, though I have to say those journalists don’t seem too neutral to me, especially the French speaking one. She puts words in the mouths of the people she interviews and asks them to repeat what she says. But you’re right about including all Ukrainians. There’s no place for war in Europe. 

She s their since 2015 and realised two documentaries , been in zrmenia , she covers a lot of stuff ... fact is 15000 people kiled in 8 years by their own gov , it s a fact and documented by ocde , minsk cease fire never been reespected ...so from their you make your view , all lives matter is what i say , that simple ...

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3 minutes ago, Fleer said:

All lives matter indeed. It’s a sad story all over. 

Yep , this volontary omission from media doesn t smell good and reminds me ethnic cleaning from rwanda to bosnia , we ve seen it already , same scenario , same narrative , like churchill said le more you look back in history the farest you ll see in the futur ...

Notice that the video is some stuff edited by this channel using the work of the journalist , she s interviewed in mainstream media and its work respected since longtime but she s facing pressure from Macron and jounalist start to question themselves about this situation ... great job and congrats when she worked on armenian genocide , pressure on donbass work 

Edited by Zo
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I don’t think I’ve ever said anything overtly political here, but can’t let this go. Is the Ukranian gov’t as pure as the driven snow? I am sure not. Has there been an ongoing proxy war (including the Russians) going on in the Donbass for some years, during which many have unjustly suffered? I don’t doubt that for a minute. But the suggestion that the purpose of the Russian invasion is to protect the Russian speaking people in Ukraine is a total crock of Russian propaganda. The city of Kharkiv is a predominantly Russian speaking area, which Putin is doing his best to level to the ground. The parents of a close friend of mine are currently on the run from there. I can assure you they do not consider Mr Putin their savior.

Edited by LAGinz
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4 minutes ago, bdickens said:

Another thread getting ruined by poly ticks.

No, I spelled it right....

The thread is about raising money for Ukraine, asking people to support the military of a foreign nation. Were you expecting the discussion to be apolitical? Lol. 

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