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How do you use Shaper to edit transients?

Patrick Rowles


After restoring the keyboard shortcut, I can Tab through the transients in an audio track of guitar when the Edit Filter is in Audio Transients mode. I've added the Style Dial > Shaper module to ProChannel, and read the online Shaper help page .

Frustratingly, the help page images don't load, and while it tells you how Shaper works, it doesn't seem to tell you what to actually do: the audio track (18) is the current selection, I've tabbed to the transient I want to edit, and the module is switched on, but turning the pot left or right doesn't alter the shape of the waveform. I've even tried selecting only the portion of the audio track encompassing the note in question (as opposed to the whole audio clip), but to no avail. What am I missing here? ?

Shaper on Track 18.gif

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The FX won't modify what you see ony what you hear. To have the waveform altered, if for some reason this is important to you,  you wouild have to bounce the track to audio to apply the effect permenently to the audio. 

https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Mixing.45.html#:~:text=Click the Track view Tracks,Track(s) dialog box.&text=Select the first destination track for the mixdown.&text=If you've saved a,now in the Preset window.&text=Tracks.,-Choosing this option

The images can't be seen because cakewalk stores their images for the documentation on an http rather then a secure https server. You have to add cakewalk.com and some other site to your safe sites browser list.  I have done this and still get pages that doen't show the information.

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Many thanks, Reginald - from what you're saying, it sounds as if I'm going to have to use my ears to tell what's happening when I use Shaper on the transient. I was hoping there might be a helpful visual cue, along the lines of what you see when you use the Clip Gain to change the amplitude. Thanks again. 

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