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Sonic Atoms for Ukraine

Daniel Hulse

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3 hours ago, Magic Russ said:

Requires Halion Sonic or Omnisphere.

I bought the Baltic Shimmers library when it first came out and really like it. I use the FREE Halion Sonic SE player. You can check out how it runs with Sonic Atoms free piano library,  which is really nice. In fact, it's one of my favorite free piano libraries.  Here's the link:


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A lot of us are thinking this, but I'll just write it. What's going on in the Ukraine, being invaded by a foreign country that has been murdering Ukrainian military and civilians only trying to protect their nation/home, is horrifying. I really appreciate anyone trying to make a difference by helping others --- no matter how small -- doing something to help is meaningful. I appreciate this small developer -- who I'm a customer of and I think the guy is very talented (he's out of Poland, I believe). To anyone out here from Ukraine, I know that every American I know, our hearts go out to you and we want to see aid to your nation and, most importantly, peace for your  nation -- all the people of Ukraine, as everyone else -- deserve peace and your nation's sovereignty should be respected. 

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7 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

 To anyone out there from Ukraine, I know that every American I know, our hearts go out to you and we want to see aid to your nation and, most importantly, peace for your  nation -- all the people of Ukraine, as everyone else -- deserve peace and your nation's sovereignty should be respected. 

Didn't the US facilitate a coup in the Ukraine in 2014 that led to the events of today, partnering with literal neo Nazis in the Maidan coup? lol. And have since then risked sparking a horrific civil war by doing everything possible to inflame tensions with half the population + it's military superpower neighbor?  

So much for sovereignty. Lol.

Always reminded why I left the West. The propaganda is nauseating. 

But hey, while Americans are suddenly compassionate about war victims, maybe they can stop financing the genocide in Yemen, and gtfo of Syria and stop bombing Somalia. But those people ain't white, so nobody cares I guess. :(

Edited by Carl Ewing
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2 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

Didn't the US facilitate a coup in the Ukraine in 2014 that led to the events of today, partnering with literal neo Nazis in the Maidan coup? lol. And have since then risked sparking a horrific civil war by doing everything possible to inflame tensions with half the population + it's military superpower neighbor?  

So much for sovereignty. Lol.

Always reminded why I left the West. The propaganda is nauseating. 

But hey, while Americans are suddenly compassionate about war victims, maybe they can stop financing the genocide in Yemen, and gtfo of Syria and stop bombing Somalia. But those people ain't white, so nobody cares I guess. :(

The true situation is complicated but it's not a competition or about scoring points about who is worse.

I personally don't agree with you but of course you are welcome to your view, but I hope we can agree that ALL killing is wrong and our thoughts ...and actions...should go out to All of those innocent people affected by this terrible conflict.  And all those affected by similar situations, where ever in the world they are.


just to say that this forum isn't an appropriate place to discuss this - and apologies for posting my reply, although I'll leave it up as I stand by it. 

Nuances about truth, beliefs, society and politics are not best served by discussing them in an online forum about "deals on music software" and we do a disservice by attempting it IMO.  Hopefully we can continue respect each other here.

Edited by simon
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3 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

Didn't the US facilitate a coup in the Ukraine in 2014 that led to the events of today, partnering with literal neo Nazis in the Maidan coup? lol. And have since then risked sparking a horrific civil war by doing everything possible to inflame tensions with half the population + it's military superpower neighbor?  

So much for sovereignty. Lol.

Always reminded why I left the West. The propaganda is nauseating. 

But hey, while Americans are suddenly compassionate about war victims, maybe they can stop financing the genocide in Yemen, and gtfo of Syria and stop bombing Somalia. But those people ain't white, so nobody cares I guess. :(

I suppose this epitomizes why we don't discuss politics here. My comment was not meant to be a political statement, but pro peace. 

I sincerely  understand --and actually share -- your frustration about racial bias in the world's attention and compassion   However, you engaged in national and racial stereotyping in your comment, and that's a problem. You're conflating the actions of politicians with those of citizens of a nation and that's simply not reasonable. Just as it's unreasonable to assume that all Russian citizens are in agreement with Putin's invasion of Ukraine, it's unreasonable to assume that every American is in agreement with every act of its politicians. I don't know what country you live in, but I suspect that you don't agree with every act of your nation's politicians. Stereotyping all Americans or all white Americans, as you've done, is inherently problematic and, ironically, part of the problem that you're lamenting. One's compassion isn't inherently limited by one's race and it's problematic for you to assume that my race and nationality makes me inherently unconcerned with non-white populations, Did you even consider that I might come from a mult-ethnic and mult-racial extended family and that I have friends from/residing in South Africa,  Nigeria, Belize, Cuba, China, India, Pakistan, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia...  Which I do, but even if I didn't it wouldn't make your stereotypes justified. 

Just because one cares about what is going on in Ukraine doesn't preclude that person from caring about what's going on in other places in the world and your style of making attacks with stereotypes isn't helping to further the concerns that you have -- some of which I also care about.  So I'd propose that you could make more of an impact by having a conversation about what you care about rather than stereotyping and launching attacks. You can care about Ukraine and still care about Yemen and other places in the world. Your rage is misplaced and I hope you would have enough compassion to care for the people of Ukraine.  You definitely shouldn't stop talking about the other issues, but I would hope you could stop making assumptions based in stereotyping and prejudices.  

Your claim of the US supporting neo-Nazis that isn't only false, you attempted to project that unto the grandson of a Jew who fought the Nazis in WWII, which, I hope you will realize,  is one small example  that underscores the mistake of stereotyping.  Take some time to pause before stereotyping everyone of a certain nationality and/or race you resent. Consider people as individuals. 

On a much smaller note, you've made a number of erroneous and inaccurate statements about a number of things. I'll just respond to the most obvious, non-controversial and glaring one,  your statement that Russia is a superpower. It hasn't been for more than 30 years. 


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5 minutes ago, JoeGBradford said:

Can we draw a line under this one now please? I'm sure we all feel, like me, desperately sorry for the victims of war across the world. Arguing on here won't help them.

Hey, I can facilitate that for you


You are in heaven

Yes you are

(Shouldn't be long now)?

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