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XLN Online Installer Updated

Larry Shelby

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2 hours ago, Magic Russ said:

It's kind of like how McDonald's employees see the boss coming and they salt the fries to look busy.

This was top secret/ crypto back when, but I saw it mentioned in a recent documentary, so i think I'm safe sharing.

We had a special super secure area inside of a secure area in the U.S. facility on Teufelsberg in Berlin (I was there in '71). There were about 12 positions in the room, each one monitoring 12 hard-wired bugs in East Berlin, with a reel-to-reel tape recorder for each bug. They were old lines that were noisy, so there were threshold controllers for each line. You would dial it down just enough to cut off the noise, but activate when someone around the bug started talking. When a line activated, the associated tape deck started running and I would switch my headphones to that channel and start typing in English what I heard in German. Worked well.

I was advised early on of an operator's trick. Whenever some muckety-muck with scrambled eggs on his bill came in for an inspection, we'd all spin the threshold controllers to full on. LOTS of activity; all noise. No one had time for questions from the officer. After he finished looking around and left, we'd reset the controllers and back up the tape decks to their pre-inspection positions. ?

Edited by John Maar
  • Haha 3
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