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Overloud Mark Studio II

Larry Shelby

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I do like the Mk II. Great Plugin. And I don't know what they could do to make it sound better!!

I guess they are moving on to the next plugin!! I see in my email a new GEM plugin. A Tap delay I think.

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17 hours ago, Grem said:

I do like the Mk II. Great Plugin. And I don't know what they could do to make it sound better!!

I guess they are moving on to the next plugin!! I see in my email a new GEM plugin. A Tap delay I think.

It's more about the interface , it's killing my eyes here my friend !!! you know we're not getting younger ..talking about this just tried cubase elements and it's so easier on my eyes than studioo one !!

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You know the impact is catastrophic , not for eyes only but for general posture and tension (due to eyes !!) people underestimate this like crazy ... i went 2k instead of 4k just for that and didn't went Ultrawide (i was almost about going 34 curved) because of eye fatigue !

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I am reading that 8k is around the corner.  But will Windows fully support that high a resolution? Let alone DAW maker's, and (oh my!) plugin makers?


And the only DAW I know to fully support/follow Windows convictions is CbB. The rest give a half hearted effort (except Reaper. They follow a close second to CbB)

So if we stay with the staus- quo, things will get so small,  nobody will be able to see (insert choice word here)!

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Yes ZO. I noticed that Studio One says Windows compatible, but when you work with it on different machines you see real quick how well CbB adheres to windows scaling, convictions, API, ect. Studio One not so much. And I can imagine lots of other DAW's conceived on a Mac then brought over to Windows platform are about the same. IOW, Windows to them isn't that important.


Case in point, I use CbB on my main machine and my Surface. I never even knew that there was a scaling issue between the two machines until Sonar went down, and I tried to work with SO3. On my music PC where I have a 1920x1080 27" and it works OK GUI wise. But when I try to open SO on my Surface, if I leave it at the resolution it wants to run at, the GUI is just too small. I have to use Magnifier all the time just to be able to use it. With CbB/Sonar, there was never an issue. It runs at the correct resolution that my machine is set to, with no GUI hickups. If I try to change SO to what I need to be able to see, it displays everything all f'd up. Plugin windows are either huge or too small to see. Text cut off, stuff like that.


Reaper is not as bad as SO, but it still has it's little quirks too. I just never really tried to work with these other DAW's till Sonar went down. SO when Bandlab picked it up, whew! Thank God!  : )

Edited by Grem
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waoh , never  used windows scalling to tell the truth , i make sure native ration( size / reso ) is on point ...i went 27 " with 2k to keep that HD kinda size but wiyth more displayed ;)

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23 hours ago, Zo said:

but studio one is clean 

Try it on say a laptop, a Surface Pro, something like that. Like I said, on my main machine it was ok. When I went to other machines like my Surface is when I could see the differences. And I can load up SO3 on my Surface right now, and the text is just too small.


But yet, load up CbB on my Surface and everything looks exactly like it does on my main machine. I have my Surface set to 2160x1440 with Scaling and Layout set to 175%. CbB handles this just like a charm. SO3 doesn't.

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