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Slate Fresh Air is FREE Again - for a Limited Time

Larry Shelby

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Slate Digital Fresh Air Plugin
- Free For A Limited Time!

For a limited time Slate Digital’s Fresh Air is back as a free plugin. Originally released as a time limited free plugin for Black Friday 2020, it’s back as a free download but hurry, we don’t currently know when this offer expires.

Get it here



Edited by cclarry
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  On 2/14/2022 at 2:41 PM, Fleer said:

Get this baby. It’s pretty pretty good. 


Yeah, nice to get two seats (for those of us that grabbed it last time) but the problem is unless they changed the authorization system you actually need two physical iloks to do it - or an active internet connection for a "cloud session" which is really lame.  Just give us multiple seats and let up authroize to the ilok computer manager.

This one is very usable.

Edited by Brian Walton
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  On 2/14/2022 at 3:58 PM, mibby said:

Does anyone have an opinion on how the Slate plugin compares to this one?  Just curious.




Yes, the Slate one offers the highend boost one is looking for but in a more pleasing way.  I had hoped the Bertom would do the same thing, but side by side the difference is obvious.  Not that the Air Shelf is bad, it just isn't a natural, warm or whatever positive attribute you want to give it as the Slate is.   The Slate one is pretty unique in its ability to boost the high end but not introduce harshness.  

WIth the limited authorization thing with Slate, I was expecting to use the Air Shelf as a replacement on other machines, and while it is usable, I personally don't think it is in the same catergory.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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I forgot that Slate Digital requires either iLok Cloud (always connected), or an iLok USB, to authorize and use their plugins.

No offline use permitted with iLok Cloud. Your Slate plugins are useless without an internet connection.

Meh. Uninstalled... No Slate Digital for me! :)

Edited by abacab
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  On 2/16/2022 at 7:25 PM, abacab said:

I forgot that Slate Digital requires either iLok Cloud (always connected), or an iLok USB, to authorize and use their plugins.

No offline use permitted with iLok Cloud. Your Slate plugins are useless without an internet connection.

Meh. Uninstalled... No Slate Digital for me! :)


Mentioned in post 3 as I also find this annoying.

However, with my one physical ilok, I've kept it around as it isn't something I've found a direct replacement for.

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  On 2/16/2022 at 7:41 PM, Brian Walton said:

Mentioned in post 3 as I also find this annoying.

However, with my one physical ilok, I've kept it around as it isn't something I've found a direct replacement for.


Thanks, but it seems I downloaded and tried the plugin out right after Larry posted the deal. If you had posted earlier, you would have saved me some time, LOL!

I just got around to mentioning the iLok thingy today, and didn't re-read the thread first.

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  • 1 year later...

This is an old topic, but since my issue is closely related, let me continue here. Did anyone make Fresh air work in Windows 7 64bit system? I got an error that it's not supported in Cakewalk when trying to put it into FX slot. But maybe it's more of a Win7 issue than Cakewalk as others here managed to make it work?

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