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Fanan team releases Yumbu 3 - A free slot driven drum sampler

Larry Shelby

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Fanan team has released Yumbu 3, a free slot driven drum sampler. They say:

Another upgrade to Yumbu drum sampler which brings some new features like magnitude control per drum element, improved drift effect per element, new library manager, new dark GUI and some important performance improvements including CPU and RAM consumption, as well as better compatibility with new and uncommon plugin hosts and D.A.Ws.

Main features:

10 drum sample slots per kit.

14 drum element banks with full 30 drum-kits that adjusted to wide range of genres.

Morphing system for blending any 2 drum elements together.

Automation file manager.

4 additional wav. pages in the element menu for user's wav. files.

Magnitude control section.

Midi assignable start\end points manager.

Master effects (including compressor, reverb and delay) with a unique F.R. feature.

Graphical MIDI keyboard with assignable keyboard starting points.

Full virtual mixer.

random pitch manager knobs, round robin and pan knobs.

drift effect per drum element.

Scalable and customizable GUI.

Dedicated modulation effects including phaser, delay and Zelda filter per drum element.

Price: Free.


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