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A Slender Thread

Bajan Blue

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On 2/5/2022 at 11:37 AM, PhonoBrainer said:

Yes to the vocals, and I think they could be a smidge louder in the mix, unless my headphones are suppressing the midrange, in which case nevermind.

I got an Alan Parsons vibe which I quite liked! 

Video-wise I found myself wondering, how do these different people know each other??? :) I think less people helps us build our own narratives. Maybe?

cool tune!



Hi Tom - thanks for this - i take your point re the video, but I made this video out of pre-recorded clips, so you are somewhat restricted with what you can and can't do.  




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Nigel . . . another very strong song and recording ! Drums are very upfront, helps to drive it along.

I also would prefer the vocal louder a bit on my speakers, but on my headphones they work very well.

Yes, the vocal performance, and the recorded vocal treatment are a treat to listen to, it's got just the right amount of subtle effect on it, certainly isn't overdone.

Great stuff as always !

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On 2/6/2022 at 6:49 AM, Wookiee said:

Any song that makes the furry paws tap involuntarily has to have a  groove. A groove that works its way into the furry brain and triggers the paws to tap along even if they do not realise they are. 

That Snare really digs in with its persistence, no it is fine it does what it should do, it drives the song with the same push.

I like, very cool tune Nigel :) No I did not watch the video, perhaps I will comeback and do so.

Hi Wookie my friend - hope you got around to watching the video, but I'm really honored that this song got the furry paws tapping!!! really appreciate your time and making a comment

Keep well



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Hi Nigel....i must say the songs you post aren't in my current wheelhouse (really, who the hell does ambient pop music but me???? ? ) so i usually don't comment, but without a doubt, all the songs you post here are highly melodic with great vocals, playing, production and are virtually ready for market....my subjective nitpicks on A Slender Thread are a few seconds here and there where maybe the drums can be tightened up a tad, overall, great work on the music as well as the video....cheers!! ????

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On 2/6/2022 at 3:25 PM, freddy j said:

This is an outstanding piece of work!!  I am talking about both audio and video.  The Fx on the vocal give a real dreamy effect to the lyrics and song!  My son is an animator for Sony (a rigger) and he tries to explain to me how things are done.  It mystifies me.  I am also transfixed as to the quality of your videos and how they blend with the music and lyrics.  Absoflippinlutely, great production and performances!!!

Hi Freddy

Wow thanks so much for those fantastic comments - can't tell you how much I appreciate them




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On 2/6/2022 at 9:30 PM, PavlovsCat said:

Nice job! Kudos. 

Hi Pavlov

Thanks for the kind comments



On 2/9/2022 at 4:09 PM, Miguel Carzola said:


Great tune all around. Loved the long reverbs and the use of the long notes on the bass synth (I wasn’t expecting that)

Loved the way you panned out some elements and placed them way in the background. Some can barely be heard but they’re definitely felt. They create tension without clutter. That’s hard to do in Rock. 

Good stuff. Thanx for sharing it with us  



HI Miguel

Thanks for taking the time to have a watch and make such great comments -




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On 2/10/2022 at 1:59 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Sounds great.  I bet it took a while to get that video together!

Hi Steve

Glad you liked the video - yes they always take some time, but it seems to be the only way to promote these days!



On 2/11/2022 at 7:15 AM, thegaltieribrothers said:

Hi Nigel,

Great track and great video, very polished and extremely professional.

Thanks for sharing.

Good Job!

best wishes


HI Paul

Glad you enjoyed the track and the video. Cheers for those great comments


On 2/14/2022 at 1:22 AM, noynekker said:

Nigel . . . another very strong song and recording ! Drums are very upfront, helps to drive it along.

I also would prefer the vocal louder a bit on my speakers, but on my headphones they work very well.

Yes, the vocal performance, and the recorded vocal treatment are a treat to listen to, it's got just the right amount of subtle effect on it, certainly isn't overdone.

Great stuff as always !


Thanks so much - yes always the main decision (and the most difficult)  I feel is volume of Vocals - too loud, too much up front - not loud enough, you cant hear them properly!!




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On 2/15/2022 at 2:27 PM, Larry T. said:

Hi Nigel....i must say the songs you post aren't in my current wheelhouse (really, who the hell does ambient pop music but me???? ? ) so i usually don't comment, but without a doubt, all the songs you post here are highly melodic with great vocals, playing, production and are virtually ready for market....my subjective nitpicks on A Slender Thread are a few seconds here and there where maybe the drums can be tightened up a tad, overall, great work on the music as well as the video....cheers!! ????

Hi Larry

Really appreciate you taking the time to watch and make such cool  those comments

Thanks again



On 2/16/2022 at 2:18 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

Wow, just incredible vocals! You have a great song here, Nigel and the mix lives up to it. Love Devine Lie!


Thanks so much - always appreciate the support




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