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United Plugins Mirror

Larry Shelby

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We are proud to introduce our new and most innovative plugin by JMG Sound. Mirror is a reverse negative delay (first of a kind). Its intro price is €22 (68% off).

A Delay Ahead of its Time

Mirror is a plugin that sees the future. It reverses your audio, applies effects and plays it back before the event even begins. It would automatically create the much-loved reverse reverb and snare effects in seconds, allowing you to focus on the sound, not the process.

Reflections of the Future

Reflections of the Future means the reverse effect is heard before the original sound. You can also apply the reverb effect and filters before the sound is reversed. The best way to understand and experience Mirror is to grab the 15-days fully working trial version and play with the plugin. 

Don't miss the intro sale

Mirror is compatible with the majority of VST/AAX/AU DAW applications on both Windows and macOS. The price is set to €69. But you may grab the intro price (68% off - €22) until the 28th of February.

$20.62 at Best Service


Edited by cclarry
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  On 2/1/2022 at 10:23 AM, cclarry said:

Mirror is a plugin that sees the future. It reverses your audio, applies effects and plays it back before the event even begins. It would automatically create the much-



  On 2/1/2022 at 7:16 PM, locrian said:

Tried the demo: severe latency


You can't do this kind of thing in real time unless you're traveling with your laptop in a Delorian and going at least 88MPH...

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  On 2/1/2022 at 7:33 PM, mibby said:

I was wondering about this. It seems the dev would have to have a large look-ahead buffer to flip the data around.


Yeah, it basically explains that on the actual website, which gives at least a little more warning than the best service listing:  https://unitedplugins.com/Mirror/


 Mirror uses DAW latency compensation to keep correct timing, therefore it will not work when tracking live. Please see the documentation to understand some DAWs' limitations.


Recommended Workflow

Mirror needs time to record your audio into the buffer before reversing it and playing back before your original sound. This causes latency, which means that playback will not immediately start. Please be patient and give Mirror time to work its magic, in the long run, it will save you lots of time over the tedious manual process. You can shape the effect in context with the rest of the audio in perfect sync. When you are happy with the result, simply bounce the effect to remove the latency.

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  On 2/1/2022 at 11:53 PM, mibby said:

I'm guessing that's like the Kilohearts Reverser too. It just flips your reverb tail.  Not the same thing. This one puts it in front of your audio.


I don't know for sure. As usual, I buy stuff and then just look at it sitting pretty. I will test it this evening though. But never underestimate a Rob Papen plugin  for its functionality. 

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  On 2/2/2022 at 11:02 AM, Nick Blanc said:

But never underestimate a Rob Papen plugin  for its functionality


Good to know! I've been curious about a couple of his plugins. I got the muted guitar one (can't remember the name off-hand) a few years ago in the Computer Music bundle and it's really very good and usable!  The Delsane Delay or whatever its name is caught my attention when it came out too.

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  On 2/2/2022 at 9:06 PM, mibby said:

Is this your first United Plugin Grem?  Check if you get a Credit by signing up for the newsletter! They share a lot of similarities with Melda.  :)


Yes it is my first plugin with UnitedPlugins. I did sign up for the news letter. Haven't seen a credit yet.

Thanks for the heads up Mibby.

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