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Paul, good lyrics, good story. The accompaniment could use more work I think. Just seems like it meanders a bit. Also, the percussion sounds like a click track to me so maybe more attention there as well. Anyway, just one man's opinion.

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Fun and catchy tune !  . . . kind if reminds me of The Proclaimers, a great Scottish band, but this sounds more English ?

The intro really caught my attention, what a great start . . . then later in the song the sound got very full, you got those vocals right out front, and they sound really great and authentic . . . such a great listen guys.

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Hi Douglas,

Glad you liked the retro vibe and the bridge, thanks for listening and commenting.

Hi Bjorn,

Thanks for your comments on the accompaniment and the percussion I will take these into consideration on my next pass.

Hi David,

Glad you liked the lyrics and melody.

Thank you all for listening and commenting, it means a lot.

best wishes



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Overall I liked it a lot, but I couldn't help thinking that you have given yourself, or anyone really, a fair mouthful to sing. You could polish and in spots tune the vocals, it will sound great and be a good song indeed! But there's a lot of words going into measures with a midtempo feel, and I was thinking to myself, dang I'm not sure if I'd want to sing this! A tough  ask, lotta words, and you actually do a very decent job!

In the second half the rhythm guitar comes is and picks up the drive nicely, very cool add there.

It's a bit of a depeche/tears for fears vocal on top of a older Irish feeling song. 



Edited by PhonoBrainer
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