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Reaper update to 6.46

Larry Shelby

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REAPER 6.46: The Gang Makes a DAW

Changelog items below may include • links to more information.

Batch converter

fix normalization (6.44 regression) •

resolve item-related wildcards properly when converting a media item that originated in a different project •


fix arrow key keyboard navigation issues for various windows (6.43 regression)

fix keyboard focus after closing transport selection/bpm edit boxes

improve appearance of routing matrix in dark mode and default theme

Media items

fix adjusting media to tempo suggested by filename or metadata when inserting via action

add actions to normalize items to common gain, or separately, using most recent settings

show warning or error (depending on context) when some items could not be normalized


add ASWG dialogue projection level field

add OGG, Opus to displayed list of render formats that support Vorbis metadata

MIDI editor

improve scroll behavior when adjusting zoom •

improve zoom to content action behavior •


Lua built-in print() function output is visible using DebugView on Windows •

fix incorrect fuzzy matching in TrackFX_AddByName() etc •

improve gfx_blit() documentation •


fix DirectX plug-in preset menu

fix new VST path addition on 64-bit


fix potential incorrect automation when envelopes disabled outside of automation items •

Control surfaces

fix OSC control of FX wet/dry knob •


add actions to clear delta solo for all FX on selected tracks or all FX in the project


add cancel button to multiple media item import dialog


fix set_pin_mapping() high-bit issue


fix count-in issue at 180bpm 3/4 •


add actions to reload track support data (bank/program files, notation, etc) for individual MIDI items or all items in the project •

MIDI inline editor

improve default note view sizing


close .reapindex files when media is set offline •


fix incorrect resampling at end of sample (most obvious with r8brain free)


fix layout actions for single-character layout names •


if tracks are removed while renaming a track in TCP/MCP, close edit field


do not allow scanning root directories on macOS/linux (revert 6.44 change) •


fix incorrect truncation in 16-bit mode •

Edited by cclarry
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