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TC Helicon VoiceLive 2 Vocal Effects Processor Pedal

Larry Shelby

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I use a Voicelive 3 Extreme when playing live.

Be aware that the onboard mic preamp is... awful 

It'll rob your vocal of dynamics... to the point where you're eating the mic and blowing out your voice.


If you use a Voicelive processor, split your mic signal and run a two-channel (wet/dry) configuration.

  • One line is straight off the mic
  • The second line comes from the Voicelive (with it set to 100% wet)

This way... you can use the Voicelive for its EFX... without suffering thru that horrible mic preamp.

The $0.50 mic preamp in a Behringer Xenyx mixer is infinitely better.


TC really should do better.

If you listen to your mic thru the onboard preamp (with no EFX/processing), the dry signal sounds processed/compressed.



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