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FUNKY DRUMMER by VintageDrumSamples


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5 hours ago, dubdisciple said:

Can't go wrong with funky drummer, but even on sale, $15 seems like a stretch for one loop most of us have 100 versions of already. Unless I am misunderstanding what product us, hard to see the value.

It's not a loop library, it's a KONTAKT multisampled drum library along with some midi files of grooves (and the samples available as WAV files also, as the original post mentions).

It's pretty clearly the same developer that was previously calling himself AnyDayLong who works or worked with Past to Future, which makes very similar, decent libraries. They're not meticulously detailed samples that have the kind of detail you'd get from the likes of Superior Drummer or even Addictive Drums, but for someone who likes the sound of their demos, IMO, at $15, they're a pretty good value.  

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16 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

 They're not meticulously detailed samples that have the kind of detail you'd get from the likes of Superior Drummer or even Addictive Drums, but for someone who likes the sound of their demos, IMO, at $15, they're a pretty good value.  

I think that's kind of my point. If these are not meticulously sampled, for many this is beyond redundant.  For me(and of course I realize others are not in same position), $15 is not a value for something I already have equivalent versions of.  If someone finds value in it, I certainly would not dissuade them. I just could not find value for myself and was seeing if I was missing something. Thanks for confirming it's exactly what it seems to be.

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58 minutes ago, dubdisciple said:

I think that's kind of my point. If these are not meticulously sampled, for many this is beyond redundant.  For me(and of course I realize others are not in same position), $15 is not a value for something I already have equivalent versions of.  If someone finds value in it, I certainly would not dissuade them. I just could not find value for myself and was seeing if I was missing something. Thanks for confirming it's exactly what it seems to be.

Well, you originally argued that this was loops, which is an entirely different point..

But I  think your second argument is also off. I'm a former pro drummer and I  absolutely want  very detailed samples, layers and round robins for most performances -- I love Superior Drummer libraries,  they're absolutely well suited for me 90% of the time. However, if we're going for an effect like this library does -- that funky drummer vibe -- this library easily has the level of detail, layers and round robins to do the job. Take a serious look at the specifications and I can't imagine this library wouldn't be able to handle your needs if you're using it for that funky drummer vibe. If you disagree, provide something with the level of detail you need. 

Again,  I'm comparing it with the other libraries this developer has released,  the ones through Past to Future and the various choices on the market. I own funk kits from Toontrack, XLN and several other developers. If I was doing the drum part on a funky song where I  had a bunch of ghost notes and dynamics,  this wouldn't be my first choice,  but there's no library out there for even twice their price that can deliver that. 

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16 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

Well, you originally argued that this was loops, which is an entirely different point..

But I  think your second argument is also off. I'm a former pro drummer and I  absolutely want  very detailed samples, layers and round robins for most performances -- I love Superior Drummer libraries,  they're absolutely well suited for me 90% of the time. However, if we're going for an effect like this library does -- that funky drummer vibe -- this library easily has the level of detail, layers and round robins to do the job. Take a serious look at the specifications and I can't imagine this library wouldn't be able to handle your needs if you're using it for that funky drummer vibe. If you disagree, provide something with the level of detail you need. 

Again,  I'm comparing it with the other libraries this developer has released,  the ones through Past to Future and the various choices on the market. I own funk kits from Toontrack, XLN and several other developers. If I was doing the drum part on a funky song where I  had a bunch of ghost notes and dynamics,  this wouldn't be my first choice,  but there's no library out there for even twice their price that can deliver that. 

I think we are misunderstanding each other and i sill start by clearing up the initial point of confusion.  First, I never said "this was just loops". I said it seemed like a stretch for ONE loop because that was impression I got.  I wasn't arguing anything since I made it clear that I was not 100% clear what the product actually contained. From my initial impression it seems like one drum loop chopped with a midi file variation of funky drummer. I could be completely off on that. I already have several variations of funky drummer with midi file within addictive drums along with god knows how many raw variations ranging from rex files to mapped kits in geist and mpc. Again, I am still referring to what value it would be for me and everything you are saying seems to be confirming that. I am not trashing the product or claiming it has value for no one.

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On 1/8/2022 at 12:52 PM, dubdisciple said:

I think we are misunderstanding each other and i sill start by clearing up the initial point of confusion.  First, I never said "this was just loops". I said it seemed like a stretch for ONE loop because that was impression I got.  I wasn't arguing anything since I made it clear that I was not 100% clear what the product actually contained. From my initial impression it seems like one drum loop chopped with a midi file variation of funky drummer. I could be completely off on that. I already have several variations of funky drummer with midi file within addictive drums along with god knows how many raw variations ranging from rex files to mapped kits in geist and mpc. Again, I am still referring to what value it would be for me and everything you are saying seems to be confirming that. I am not trashing the product or claiming it has value for no one.

Actually, while this wasn't your point. I clicked and looked more carefully on the developer's landing page and it appears that this sample may indeed have been sampled off of a James Brown album (their page reads, "The amazing drum sound of the legendary Clyde Stubblefield! ). If so, that's a clear violation of copyright. I would be concerned about this and avoid buying until there was clarification. If someone buys this and was indeed sampled off of a James Brown album and you used it in your song that was commercially released, you would easily have a slam dunk lawsuit against you. @facets can you please clarify if you sampled these drum sounds from a commercially released album without permission or if you recorded drums on your own for this library? 

EDIT: It also states that they managed to imitate his sound as Michael A.D. points out below, which I had realized when I wrote this post, however, the copy is unclear, and considering that the developer acknowledges that some of his sample libraries are recorded from commercial vinyl record albums, I find it very important to ask for his clarification on this matter, as the developer does engage in sampling from commercial record albums, which is a violation of international copyright laws. 


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10 hours ago, Michael A.D. said:

It does say:

We have managed to imitate this inimitable sound, so that everyone can now play the funky drummer or any other rhythm they want.


Yes, I  did see that, but the other copy makes things unclear, plus if you look at his various libraries,  some do state that they have been recorded some from commercial vinyl albums. Consequently,  realizing they are not native English speakers/writers and the various grammatical errors on their current and past sites, it does beg the question. Some of the sample libraries at Past to Future states that they recorded the samples from vinyl record albums -- from vintage records. Realizing the grammatical errors. I  considered that "imitated" could mean the midi and the recording, like some of their other recordings their copy states was sampled from commercial albums, might have been taken from Stubblefield's actual playing.  That's why I believe it's worth asking the developer.  After all, we know they engage in sampling commercial albums on other libraries-- which has always kept me from purchasing those libraries. 

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I understand that the copy on their site isn't clear. But for those wondering why there is a question of whether these were sampled from an actual vinyl album, consider that numerous libraries that Vintage Drum Samples, AnyDayLong and Past To Future have for sale specifically state that they were sampled from commercial vinyl albums, a practice which is clearly copyright infringement. For example, I took this from one of Vintage Drum Samples' pages for another drum library: 

"All breaks are hand cut from rare vinyl records & perfectly looped..."

"Very rare and never heard before drum breaks/loops from Far East Vinyl records..."

Some of the copy on certain Past to Future libraries and loops is similarly problematic, while other copy is similarly unclear -- it's obvious the same person wrote all of it. Consequently, I've always refrained from buying the questionable materials. But this present library and the unclear copy --which first states that its actually Stubblefield's drums then later states that they're imitating --- which could mean that they've sampled his drum kit and the midi pattern imitates his style -- does warrant clarification. The developer, by his own words, does sample and sell samples of commercially released vinyl record albums, and those recordings are certainly protected by copyrights, so considering that, I think it is a very important question to ask the developer. 

I also wonder why he has a habit of changing his name and his commercial accounts every so often -- which, is not ideal if you buy his libraries and later want support. He was previously selling libraries -- including some of the current libraries and the same demos he's now using with his latest name-- under a different name, AnyDayLong -- a name he used to post under on this forum. He also had several shill accounts on this forum that he used to make additional posts for his libraries as if he were a customer (the only posts the accounts ever made were to praise and promote his libraries; those accounts stopped posting after he stopped operating under AnyDayLong). Of course, that doesn't exactly cause me to have great trust his integrity. But I have libraries from his AnyDayLong days and they're decent, pretty much identical to Past to Future libraries. 



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20 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

I also wonder why he has a habit of changing his name and his commercial accounts every so often -- which, is not ideal if you buy his libraries and later want support. He was previously selling libraries -- including some of the current libraries and the same demos he's now using with his latest name-- under a different name, AnyDayLong -- a name he used to post under on this forum. He also had several shill accounts on this forum that he used to make additional posts for his libraries as if he were a customer (the only posts the accounts ever made were to praise and promote his libraries; those accounts stopped posting after he stopped operating under AnyDayLong). Of course, that doesn't exactly cause me to have great trust his integrity. But I have libraries from his AnyDayLong days and they're decent, pretty much identical to Past to Future libraries. 

I've stayed clear mainly because of this....and I too have a strong suspicion about of the source of his samples.  

if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck etc




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As the source of these samples is questionable I have no choice but to close it down. 

There is also an element of direct sales which is not permitted under forum guidelines. Links to offers is OK, but shouldn't indicate price just possible discount. 

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