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Trouble when double-clicking CWP file


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I am having a rather annoying issue.

If I double-click a CWP file bandlab cakewalk will not launch.  

I suspect that this is due to cakewalk having to be run in administrator mode on my WIndows 10 Home machine.

Is there a way around this.
And YES - my CWP files are associated with the Cakewalk application,.


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6 hours ago, billwright2 said:

Never had this issue with Sonar - only with Bandlab Cakewalk,.

Anyone have any ideas?

We did see a case where this was happening when there was a zip file in the same directory as the .cwp that couldn't be opened by Windows explorer.  

Either moving the zip file, or moving the cwp file to a different folder fixed the issue.

Unfortunately the media browser within Cakewalk is basically a Windows Explorer shell component (i.e. it's Microsoft's). When it's first constructed, it looks at the current directory - so if there's zip file that it can't deal with, it gets upset.

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OK - No zip or rar files anywhere in my project folders

No instance of cakewalk running n task manager

Still cannot double-click a CWP file and launch cakewalk.

Also cannot double-click a midi files (associated with cakewalk) to launch.

Only way to load file is to use cakewalk's  file->open  and browse to the file and open it.

Also note that the desktop shortcut that the Bandlab installation creates will not launch the product unless you change the advanced properties of the shortcut to 'Run as administrator'.

Does anyone think that uninstalling and reinstalling on a drive other than 'C':' (if it will let me) would do any good?

Next step might wind up spending almost $600 and switch to Cubase :(



Edited by billwright2
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1 hour ago, billwright2 said:

Does anyone think that uninstalling and reinstalling on a drive other than 'C':' (if it will let me) would do any good?

No. It's unlikely your problem originates within Cakewalk. (Whatever it is, it would probably apply to Cubase as well.)

1. Can you open the project by right-clicking on its name in Windows Explorer and selecting Open?

2. Does it work correctly after a cold start (via the Restart option, as opposed to shutdown/restart)?

If the answer to #1 is yes, then the .cwp extension has somehow been disconnected from Explorer's file associations. If the answer to #1 is "no" and #2 is "yes" then you have a zombie process running that's preventing CW from starting up.  

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Thanks - this only started with Bandlabs version of cakewalk - never had the issue with Sonar.

I have done a cold reboot on my computer then tried to double-click a CWP file. - same thing happens - cakewalk fails to load.

I then installed the trial version of Cubase elements and that works fine with it's extensions and  I also changed the .mid extension to work with Cubase. The native CPR files and the MID files all open with it properly on a double-click.

So, this has to be something in particular with the cakewalk  installation.


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Something to do with permissions on the ? drive it appears.

Since there did not appear to be any way to re-install through bandlab assistant, I then tried to move the cakewalk core folder to a different drive letter.  In it's place in the original folder I  then created a symbolic link to it.

Now everything works as expected.  No raised level of access to run the app, and the double-clicking the CWP and MID files launches the application (once I remembered to change the MID association back from Cubase Elements :))

Thanks for all the thoughts and things to look at.



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