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Song for the New Year


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With one of my kids under the weather, and another working, there was not a whole lot of partying going on at my place tonight (which suited me just fine anyway). So, I set myself a New Year's Eve challenge this year - compose and record a short tune to celebrate the New Year, and get it posted by midnight. Didn't quite make it -- missed by 40 mins -- but got 'er done. It's a medievalish kind of ditty, and rather rough, full of mistakes and is very much a work in progress, but I like how it turned out. "A Folk Song for the New Year" is dedicated all the folks out there who are hoping for a year of peace, renewal and happiness. Happy New Year, everyone...


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1 hour ago, dcumpian said:

Nice piece! This could really go in a few directions if you feel like expanding it. I agree with Tapsa, I little more breathing room would go a long way.


Thanks, Dan! Yeah, I've got some ideas for an extended version that explores the basic idea a little more, and is quite a bit more polished in terms of arrangement and recording -- and, hopefully, more breathing room.  This current sketch uses some of the VSL modern woodwinds along with Kontakt Factory Library djembes, a baroque guitar and orchestral harp. I was actually thinking of using all renaissance/late medieval era instruments, like wooden transverse flute, lute, viola da gamba and shwam (from Era II and similiar libraries), since it has a lot of that sort of vibe already. 

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52 minutes ago, Starise said:

Excellent, especially for such a fast comp. I enjoyed listening to it. I have a weakness for the flute. One of my favorite instruments.

Thanks, Starise! I started this one at 10 pm New Year's Eve, so after a couple of false starts, I was happy how it turned out under the circumstances. 

I have a very bipolar relationship with the flute; I work part-time as a church musician and have heard a lot of bad flute playing over the years . But when it is played well, there is nothing quite like it, especially for melodies like this one.  :)

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