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Reflections for the New Year!

Larry Shelby

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  On 12/31/2021 at 11:37 PM, Hatstand said:

I'se gonna WUP your GAS! :D

or if you prefer

Get ready to get your GAS WUPped!



Bravo!!  (clap clap)

  On 1/1/2022 at 12:53 AM, Brian Walton said:

If I only used plugins I purchased or had updates/upgrades in 2021, my cup would still be running over.  

I'm hoping 2022 affords me some time to get value out of what I have.  



This fall seemed like there were a LOT of pretty good deals. That, or I just lost control. I thought I was done after the IK Group Buy...   Nope.   ?

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  On 1/1/2022 at 1:06 AM, mibby said:

Bravo!!  (clap clap)

This fall seemed like there were a LOT of pretty good deals. That, or I just lost control. I thought I was done after the IK Group Buy...   Nope.   ?


I agree, I might have stopped after the group buy but the IK plugs are on the resource hungry side and therefore I don't feel like I can use them across the board until I do some major hardware upgrades.  

But hardware is at a bit of a premium so I'll be waiting on that for a while, I'd imagine.

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  On 1/1/2022 at 1:06 AM, mibby said:

Bravo!!  (clap clap)

This fall seemed like there were a LOT of pretty good deals. That, or I just lost control. I thought I was done after the IK Group Buy...   Nope.   ?


There were indeed a LOT of deals.  Most normal...nothing that was "OMG", which we usually get bombarded with this time of year...
that's what I meant by "lackluster" - that it wasn't the same as previous years, the exception being the VAST quantity of the sales!
It seems like everybody and his Grandma had a sale...howbeit all pretty mediocre

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  On 1/1/2022 at 2:19 AM, mibby said:

Well, the FREEBIES with purchase was a good move on the resellers' part;  PB, Dontcrack and even ADSR got little purchases from me just because of that. 


right, even better are the additional perks, like virtual cash and tokens on PB where I'm spending some big and low money for years now, that can really make the difference on your final price with time and money spent there

also rating the stuff in your account gives measurable benefit

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  On 12/31/2021 at 2:32 PM, chris.r said:

This forum is officially GOLD!


At the risk of

sounding like a scold

it's about time

someone stood up, bold

to let you know

this joke is now officially old.


If you think you can save it,

your horses you should hold - 

for in order to make it funny again,

time & space must you fold.


So there you have it,

you've now been told:

This joke's so old

it's growing mold.


Making another reference to it

will be avenged a hundredfold (starting from now, as we're just barely below the threshold).

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