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2 AAS sound bank free


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@Zo I understand your frustration. You did the right thing and bought the magazine and getting locked out or an email like that when you're a legit customer is frustrating. But consider that the reply is a stock reply when they think someone is scamming them. It's probably automatically generated from a script. 

Look at this thread, some of our fellow forum members scam them by not buying their magazine and sharing codes, just like they do on software piracy sites. So, just like every other software dev, Beat Magazine has to try to combat piracy, so they take small measures to try to combat it, but it's far from fool proof, as you can see.  I'd suggest you just send a reply and let them know what happened. I'm pretty sure that Marco is the sample developer with Beat who makes the Zampler libraries. I seem to recall corresponding with him years ago and he seemed nice. As far as your magazine being in German, I would contact the people you bought it from and tell them you meant to buy the English version. As Fleer mentioned, it's a good magazine.  I like it and am glad they started making an English version -- I was relying on my wife -- who speaks and reads a little German -- and a friend from Germany -- when I would pick up the magazine for freebies and get stuck on some directions! But don't get offended at them. They're just trying to not get scammed. They didn't mean to tick off an honest customer. They're just trying to combat the dishonest people out there. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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3 hours ago, Zo said:

Sweets message i got from Beat Magazine 



Ain't that beutytfull when you say to yourself ,even if getting stuff free could have been an option (not in my state of mind) , let's support Beat magazine and grab those AAS stuff (i don't need)  by buying it even if i don't even gonna read that thing /....

I am not sure if they are still doing this, but at one point, they banned all gmail addresses. So anyone using a gmail address was automatically deemed suspicious. As they say, it is nothing personal.

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It is sorted , but still , how can take of a licence of someone that actually bougth it ...this is what i replied , they can check that easily .... no bill , automtic email ; bill, keep it cool ....

Anyway , no big deal , just passing by to say that the second one i had was the Richard Devines Epycicles , great one guyz 

Edited by Zo
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By the way importants infos :

TRANSMUTATION by Daniel Basque (witch is beautyfull)  uses Chrompahone 3 to its fukll potential understand here borth parts ...high cpu hit on the menu , but worth , be sure to bypass sometime parts as the beauty is in one part sometimes ;)


Epicycles by Richard Devine (beautyfull also) uses only one engine so all good cpu wise ....

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