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tapemachine style monitoring

ian maresh

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hello! I have a feature request to add "tapemachine style monitoring" to cakewalk. for those who may be unfamiliar, this mode would: 1. disable monitoring during playback 2. enable monitoring and disable playback simultaneously during record/punch, just like a tape recorder would behave when recording/punching. many other DAWs have this option and its a HUGELY better workflow for doing punches than what's in cakewalk right now

here are a couple of examples of the option i am referring to:

thank you! hope to see this option make it to a new release in the future!

Edited by eezye
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This "feature" is already part of Cakewalk. It has been for decades. It's the default behavior. I tried to help you sort it out in your other thread, but I never was able to understand exactly what you thought wasn't working the way you wanted it to work. Still happy to go through the process with you step by step if you want to get it working.

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1 hour ago, Larry Jones said:

This "feature" is already part of Cakewalk. It has been for decades. It's the default behavior. I tried to help you sort it out in your other thread, but I never was able to understand exactly what you thought wasn't working the way you wanted it to work. Still happy to go through the process with you step by step if you want to get it working.

Thank you Larry, I really appreciate you helping me with this... I will give it another go tonight or tomorrow night and report back.

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