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Realitone Holiday Sale - Up to half off

Larry Shelby

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Realitone is having a Holiday Sale, offering up to half off:

Sunset Strings - Normally $299, now $199.

Hip Hop Creator - Normally $199, now $99.

Realivox Blue - Normally $149, now $99.

Realivox Ladies Lite - Normally $199, now $99.

Realivox Ladies Complete - Normally $299, now $199.

RealiDrums - Normally $199, now $99.

Fingerpick - Normally $129, now $79.

RealiBanjo - Normally $59, now $39.

RealiWhistle - Normally $39, now $29.

Acoustic Lite - Normally $39, now $29.

Screaming Trumpet - Normally $149, now $99.



Edited by cclarry
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12 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Finally picked up Blue last night, after having considered it for years.

After about two hours mucking about, I was successful in making her sing "OOH" quite convincingly.

Hey bit,

This was the first Realitone library that I picked up a few years back after watching Mike's demos at the time.  With 6 vowels and 23 consonants plus combinations to play with, I got the impression that it was almost possible to get her to sing any lyrics.  In reality though I didn't find it so easy. 

It is still a pretty nice library but I started looking elsewhere (e.g. Vocaloid, Emvoice). These are better but still not completely convincing imho.

Lately I have been looking at Synthesizer V and it's voicebanks (especially Eleanor Forte AI). The latest version of SV released yesterday is able to sing with an "English" accent even using non-English voice banks. You can get a free Basic version and demo voicebanks if you want to try it.

Here's a pretty good demo on bilibili using a Chinese voice bank singing in English. Some of the other released voicebanks and others in the works sound really good.



There's more information on this thread...


Edited by ZincT
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10 hours ago, ZincT said:

Lately I have been looking at Synthesizer V and it's voicebanks (especially Eleanor Forte AI). The latest version of SV released yesterday is able to sing with an "English" accent even using non-English voice banks. You can get a free Basic version and demo voicebanks if you want to try it.

Me with eyes closed and hands over ears: nah nah nah nah...


OK, you made me look. Watched the presentation. Sheesh, are those two nerds right out of central casting, or what? Well, if there's one thing we've learned from every sci-fi epic it's that those are the guys who've figured out how to save the world and we should probably listen to them. 

As impressive as Mike's monumental work is, I believe he's hit the limits of what Kontakt can do as a specialty platform. I've always felt that once articulate voices have truly become a viable virtual instrument, it'll be within a framework designed from the ground up specifically for that purpose. There are just way too many possibilities when concatenating vocal sounds for even a sophisticated sample player like Kontakt. Imagine if pianos and violins had different languages, dialects, regional accents, puns and homonyms; Kontakt libraries would be many terabytes in size.

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46 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

Check out this Synthesizer V demo. Impressive.


That sounds incredible. What's strange though is that this demo sounds quite natural - if you click on Eleanor Forte on their website, the demo clip that plays sounds quite rigid/auto-tuned.

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23 hours ago, bitflipper said:

That brings my collection of "ooh" libraries up to around 16.  I really could have done without Blue.  Oh well, this is where intoxicated shopping gets you.

I spent years trying to persuade developers to do soul background vocals and something more retro Beatle-esque with male vocalists with oohs, aahs, laas, da-da-das -- I even offered to invest in the production. That period ended several years ago and there's still no male vocal library out that really fits the bill that I know of. I think I saw EastWest has a female soul vocal library that looks good. What styles of music do you do? And, all of us in this forum are guilty of GAS -- which isn't much different than buying while intoxicated. And Larry's our bartender. We love him, but he is an enabler. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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2 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

Here's what I'm working on today. I have no idea what "style" it might fall under. The oohs are five different patches from Omnisphere plus one Kontakt library. I've had no success yet finding a place for Blue in it.



That's really cool -- I like it! It's really interesting. Nice job and the oohs sound very good in this context. 

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11 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Me with eyes closed and hands over ears: nah nah nah nah...

Yes, I know the feeling this time of year ? My wallet's taken a hammering as usual.

As there are no deals on Synthesizer V or voicebanks at the moment I'm leaving purchase of the full version and voicebanks until the New Year.
Also, the demo version lets you tweak the voices to a great degree (e.g. breathiness, pitch deviation, vibrato envelope etc) so you can experiment with it before deciding whether to take the plunge or not.  As a learning exercise, I am making a cover of True Colors at the moment with Eleanor Forte AI to see how close I can get to the original song vocal (including all of the inflexions, breathiness, pitch deviation etc).

There are also plenty of SV tutorials on YouTube covering all of the voice tweaking options available, such as this one:


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True Colors, you say. Interesting - and challenging - choice. The original performance covers the gamut, from robotic to soaring melodrama. I'll be interested in hearing your progress on that one.

Most of the demos and tutorials I've heard remind me of the dancing bear analogy: at the circus you don't applaud because the bear dances well, just that it dances at all. 

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