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Christmas Present for...

Cookie Jarvis

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  On 12/21/2021 at 11:06 AM, antler said:

Please do - it'd be nice to hear what the Cat creates


After I posted that, I realized that I did post a song there earlier this year. As my 16 year old son was taking driving lessons, I thought a cover of Gary Numan's Cars would be appropriate.  I got two different people posting. Which, considering that I'm only starting to really play again after decades since I stopped playing professionally or even as a hobbyist due to tendonitis and my playing reflects that I no longer have any chops, I thought two people with positive comments -- outside of my personal friends -- is probably the biggest audience I'm going to get. Plus the fact, that I really don't know anything about mixing or EQing -- which I intend to learn at some point. Another caveat, I was trained on piano, organ and drums and was never a lead vocalist, as is rather apparent when I sing, I only did background vocals when I was a working musician. I actually wrote a lot of music, but I was doing covers to try and see if I can get some practice in. 

My cover of John Lennon's Isolation features Greg Schlaepfer (Orange Tree Samples) on bass (physical bass, Greg is an excellent musician) -- although I transposed the song since he sent me his audio file and when I transposed his part, the timing gets a little strange. His playing was superb. Someday I'll fix it).  I took a lot of artistic liberties with the song, as I always thought the loud part would sound better if changed to a minor key, so I tried it. It mashes up Isolation with Kashmir, as the feature the same main progression. 

Here's are the links: 

(Sorry for the off-topic post, Cookie. We should all meet in the music forum sharing section soon)


Edited by PavlovsCat
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  On 12/21/2021 at 11:18 AM, PavlovsCat said:

Plus the fact, that I really don't know anything about mixing or EQing -- which I intend to learn at some point.


Your music sounds pretty good despite claiming to not know much about mixing/EQ. I'd definitely suggest posting more to the Songs forum if you don't mind sharing - you can sometimes pick up some useful tips from there too.

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