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A Word from Our Sponsors

Larry Shelby

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I just want to rant a little...

How can vendors NOT allow you to register products that you have purchased
OUTSIDE of their website, from resellers?  It's a pretty pathetic statement about 
these companies...

Two such companies are Keepforest, and Sound Yeti.  The ONLY way that products will
show in your account is if you bought them directly from THEIR website.  Otherwise,
it's a no-go!

I have several Keepforest Libraries, and the ONLY ones that show up in their 
Download manager are the ones that I purchased DIRECTLY from Keepforest.  Otherwise
there is NO WAY to register purchases with Keepforest, so you are just SOL.  Same goes for 
Sound Yeti products...if you buy from a 3rd party, you can't register them at Sound Yeti,
which seems QUITE RIDICULOUS since all you would have to do is register the NI Serial
# on the Sound Yeti site for them to show up in your account.

This day and age this just seems like PURE LAZINESS on the part of these Devs...and a sheer
lack of caring about their customers.

End of rant...

Edited by cclarry
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On the positive side. I had purchased some ProjectSAM libraries at Native Instruments some time ago, and noticed they are not in my account, or couldn't find a way to register them to show up in my account. I emailed support about this and they replied...


Libraries bought through Native Instruments' NKS Store are not automatically being listed in your ProjectSAM account.

I have now added the products to your ProjectSAM account so they should be listed there for you now.

So great support!


Edited by Barrie
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51 minutes ago, PhonoBrainer said:

Does KeepYeti make you authorize through a separate proprietary installer?


No...Keepforest gives you a "download code", and Sound Yeti gives you a Native Instruments
registration code for Native Access.  In either case you would think that you could just register
those at the appropriate vendor's site and have them in your account....NOPE...and when I approached
Keepforest about it, they REALLY didn't seem to care AT ALL...

At LEAST Sound Yeti Libraries are "Kontakt Player" which means that they'll show up on the Libraries
tab, but Keepforest is NOT, and, being as expensive as they are, that's ALSO a pet peeve of mine...
And when I asked them about, AGAIN, they really didn't give a rat's bahooki!

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1 minute ago, antler said:

I wonder if it's because they don't "own" their store? e.g. the use something like fastspring.

Could be completely wrong on this one; I have no idea how third party webstores (like fastspring/digital river/etc) work.

Right, well here's my 2 cents on that...

Why don't they just have 3rd Parties sell "redemption codes" that could be redeemed on their sites?
That way, EVERYTHING is as it should be!  Nope...that's not going to happen either...because, as I stated,
they really don't care apparently...

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1 minute ago, cclarry said:

Right, well here's my 2 cents on that...

Why don't they just have 3rd Parties sell "redemption codes" that could be redeemed on their sites?
That way, EVERYTHING is as it should be!  Nope...that's not going to happen either...because, as I stated,
they really don't care apparently...

Good point - I bought a bundle of KF libraries a while back; can't remember who from - maybe APD? - but they did give me redemption codes

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25 minutes ago, chris.r said:

I have same issue with some small devs, like Boz or Denise (or was it Baby Audio?). I can't make some of my purchased plugins into my account where I could check for latest version or licenses.

Send an email to Boz.

I have a bunch of their plugins and recall one or two were not showing up in my account b/c they were purchased elsewhere.  Sent him all the proof and they are now all in one nice and tidy place in my account.


Add to the rant thread, some of the Exponential Audio stuff shows up in my Izotope account and some doesn't.  With the ilok thing in the middle I don't think all the info gets passed back to Izotope, which is annoying.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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1 minute ago, chris.r said:

I sent but did not receive reply. I might try second time, maybe it was a bad timing for him. He always seemed to be a cool guy otherwise.

While you are at it, tell him we still want a Pro Channel version of the Pan Knob.

He noted that was a good idea, but never did anything about it.  Honestly I'd be surprised if he coulnd't make it in a single day worth of work.

Edited by Brian Walton
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46 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Keepforest, on the other hand, basically told me to "pound sand and go away"!

Look on the bright side Larry, you will build up your strength pounding all that sand  ?

and you can do it taking a nice long walk in the forest :D

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Heavyocity are good in this respect. I bought some of their libs at NI. All ok in the NI Libraries. And when I d/loaded the Heavyocity portal for last years freebie, It said if you have any libs of theirs bought elsewhere. Just point to it within the portal and voila. My libs appeared in my Heavyocity account.

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