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Sound Forge Pro 15 updated to Build 159

Larry Shelby

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Build 159

Fix: MP3 activation (import / export now working properly) Fix: VAD Activation issue fixed

Temp files will now properly be removed

Fix: Wave Color / VAD crashes Batch Converter and Export Dialog fixes & improvements Fixed "Preserve Subfolders" checkbox behaviour Added default key-commands to both dialogs and their pop-ups - Ctl+S, Enter, Esc Pop-ups within the dialogs now open centered on the screen Run Job / Export now greyed out when needed parameters are missing Fixed issues with frgplug-presets Same as Source renderer and its options were not always stored correctly in the preset Fixed a bug where multiple renderers of the same type might not all be stored correctly in the preset Fixed an issue where existing Metadata couldn't be overwritten Presets could be overwritten without notice by choosing a name that is already used, new overwrite warning dialog added Export settings reset on changing renderer Export settings do not reset on changing renderer's preset Enable Delete button for Same as Source renderer

Overwrite dialog has been generally improved

Export Dialog fixes and improvements Added a new Limiter option in the Normalization section Export location/naming resets when changing export format settings "Bit-depth Conversion" renamed to "Bit-Depth Conversion & Dithering"

Added a new checkbox to choose, whether the dialog should close or should stay open after processing

Batch Converter fixes and improvements Processing section: Removed unneeded Plugins Processing section: Multiple changes of Plug-in parameters couldn't be stored Processing section: Selecting Plug-in chain as processing effect didn't let you edit the chain by default Processing section: Edit, Up/Down, Delete were often not available Export formats section: Options dialog "OK" greyed out when settings are incorrect.

Volume effect settings now get properly processed

Fix: Instant Action / Toolbar issues

Toolbar & Instant Action: Fixed missing entries (wFx Volume Former, Modern Reverb (Suite only),...)

Fix: MIDI Trigger issues Can't start/stop recording on using MIDI Triggers MIDI Input Sync/Trigger unchecked on restart of SF

Triggering Record via MIDI Trigger doesn't open a Data Window

Fix: GUI drawing issues (Playhead was no longer moving / visible) Waveform / Cursor didn't receive GUI update on playback or recording Open -> Close Statistics greyed out many toolbar buttons

ARA, Instant Action, Remote Record no longer have GUI-glitches when docked (There are still some issues, when these views are undocked)

ARA2 fixes and improvements (Melodyne and SpectraLayers 7 and 8 ) ARA view now showing complete ARA Plug-In GUI on first launch ARA view now remembering resized dimensions and coordinates

Fixed various crashes that could occur, when working with SL8 or Melodyne

Fix: VST issues VST3 Preset dialog: Fixed issues with User Presets Improved loading time of VST3 Plugins Fixed issues with bundled products (iZotope,...) and other 3rd party Plug-ins

Bitmachine and other 32 Bit Plug-Ins couldn't be controlled via GUI

Fix: Plugin preset issues Fixed bug where Preset list & Preset selection of the Plug-In GUI were not "in sync" Fixed inconsistent User-Preset behaviour, which occured on reopening Plug-In GUI Fixed some issues when editing a preset via the Batch Converter or Export dialog

Changing Preset selection while editing a preset from the Batch Converter or Export dialog wouldn't apply parameters properly

Preferences: "Spacebar and F12 Play/Pause instead of Play/Stop" This option now also influences the behaviour when recording When enabled, pressing "Space" pauses recording and re-arms record

When disabled, pressing "Space" stops recording. The option "Rewind cursor position after recording" determines cursor position.

Preferences: "Rewind cursor position after recording" When enabled, stopping a recording sets the cursor position back to where the recording started

When disabled, the cursor stays, where the recording was stopped

Fix: Remote Record issues Improved Shortcut support Fixed an issue where play was triggered right after stopping a recording Fixed some bugs where Shortcuts wouldn't work while Remote Recording/Remote Record window was focused Pressing space while Remote Recording/Remote Record window is focused should now work as expected (Start/Stop) Setting Markers with Key "m" while Remote Recording/Remote Record window is focused should now work as expected

Added tooltips to Remote Recording toolbar

Fix: Shortcut issues (Custom and default key-commands) Custom Shortcuts were not reflected in menus, tooltips,...

The K key no longer reverts back to the STOP position but pauses playback

Fix: Localization / Encoding / Language issues Fixed Umlaut / Encoding / UTF-8 issues

Fixed various Localization issues with ES, JP, CN

Fix: File format import / export issues Fixed issues with MP4 & AAC-Audio Fixed MPEG2 read / write Activation issues

Fixed crash on import of FLAG files with corrupt metadata

Fix: Marker and Region list issues Set Markers no longer receive chinese time, filepaths or other as name in list

Markers / Regions can no longer have the same time-stamp

Improvements / Changes Added Default Shortcut ( Ctrl+Alt+7 ) to open / close Remote Record Window Added Default Shortcut ( Alt+R ) to detach Remote Record view from main view and to switch "Back" to main view Improved Readability of Remote Record Status Added option: Skip VST scan on startup via Modifier "ALT" (Hold ALT on starting SOUND FORGE to skip VST scanning) Changed option: Automatically reopen file after 'Save As' is true by default from now Added: Pow-r presets for Dithering Disabled Google Analytics When using Context menu scripts, we're no longer showing ads Fixed Memory Leaks which occured with Wave Color & VAD Added "Rewind after Record" option to Preferences -> General, which rewinds playhead to start position on STOP

Auto-Find latest installed SpectraLayers version (standalone) when multiple versions are installed

+++ Many Stability Fixes,... +++ Known Issues Preset handling: Loading a VST user preset and adjusting parameters without saving the preset, loses the parameter changes on reopening Plug-In GUI (FX Favorites, Batch Converter / Export) Some FX Plug-Ins have empty presets in presetlist Sequoia FX user presets are listed twice in presetlist

Plug-in Chain comboboxes are not properly synced for Sequoia FX ".fxp" user presets

Run Sound Forge Pro 15 and Select "Help" and then "Check for updates" to download and install the update!

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