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Douglas Kirby

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Hey Douglass,

This is a really good song with a cool laid back groove, great playing and excellent vocals, and a nice clean well textured mix!?

I really like the clean guitar fills throughout and also the tasty solo.  The song sort of reminds of something "The Band" or maybe the 70's era "Grateful Dead" would do, and I mean that as a compliment.?

If you're not done mixing or you're remixing it, my only minor suggestion would be to cut the guitar hum at 0:03  and 3:35, it's probably there the entire time, but it's only really noticeable for a few seconds at those two spots.

Anyway, definitely a dynamite song, great stuff!?

Have a good one, buddy!

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Nice groove and 70's vibe.
I agree with the comment about the guitar hum at the beginning... thats the first thing that catches your attention.
I also would like to hear a little more bass...  but again thats me.


Like your song... well done!

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Hell of a song. The dead lives. I listened on headphones, but I think you could add back a little 400hz or so to the bass, not for mud, but to have more bass definition on headphones.

Again, this is a really really cool tune!

To be totally picky, in your two wide-panned guitars, (great feel and pickin') you might have a very slight tuning issue. I'm not sure, and maybe it doesn't matter. 

My takeaway- your songs would kill live, and I wish I was in your band.




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Yep, I like this man. Got a nice laid back beat to it. And yes, someone else mentioned, I could see a stadium full of people grooving to this at a Dead concert. I'm hearing some minor tuning issues on the guitars, but who cares. It's a great song, and I would not hesitate to crank it up just the way it is. Nice song, man!

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amiller - Thank you very much for giving my song a listen.

Bob Oister - Hey Bob - I appreciate your comments - I'll get rid of the noise at the beginning and end on my next remix.  Funny, I never thought of the Dead before regarding this song - that's interesting.

kakku - Thank you very much for your comments.

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sven450 - Thank you very much for listening - I never thought of the Dead on this one - interesting.

garybrun - I'll edit the guitar hum on the next remix - and I'll try to accentuate the bass a bit - thanks for listening.

JohnBee58 - Thanks for giving my song a listen, and yes us guitarists always have to deal with the hum issue?

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I could have sworn that I was listening to Jesse Ed Davis, like from his "keep Me Coming" album,

I love your voice for that reason alone. but enough for comparisons.

You have a cool sound.

Who are your influences, just curious

also got a chance to listen to Gentle hours of Evening, and Crawl.

definitely something very cool going on here.

Move to New York, get some players,  and put your shingle out in the dives, you might be surprised.

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emeraldsoul - Thanks for giving my song a listen and I'm glad you liked it.  I'll try giving the bass a boost as you suggested - cheers.

ABull - Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my song.

Leadfoot - Thanks for listening and for your kind comments - you're not the only one who suggested the 'Dead - interesting.

bjornpdx - Thanks for the compliments and for listening.

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Lynn - Thanks a bunch for your comments and for listening.

daryl1968 - Hey Daryl - thank you very much for your comments and critiques.

Wookiee - Thank you very much for giving my song a listen.

Jesse Screed - Thank you very much for your kind comments.  Regarding influences, pretty much everything Rock 'n Roll - my parents are both rockers (going back to the late 50's and onwards), and growing up the radio was always on - so I guess I absorbed a lot of it through listening as a kid.

thegaltieribrothers - Thank you very much for listening.

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