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Cymbal choke not working in SSD5

Nigel Jackson

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OK, so first off, let me say I'm a beginner with very limited knowledge of CbB and SSD5.

I'm trying to use the Steven Slate Drums SSD5 vst in CbB when I play my Roland kit, instead of the kits in the drum brain. I've got it mostly working now (thanks again for the help from various people), but, when I choke the cymbals this doesn't trigger in SSD5, so obviously the sound isn't choked.

I think the choke isn't included in the SSD5 kits, and I've asked for help from them to get this sorted.

They have asked me to record a MIDI file with only the MIDI notes for the 3 choke triggers (2 crash and ride)...but as a total beginner with CbB I don't know how to do this?.

Please can I ask for some help  - a quick bullet-point instruction on how to do this? My kit is connected to a Focusrite interface by MIDI, then from the interface to my laptop by USB.


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I think what they want to know is what midi notes your kits sends when you "choke" the cymbal.  Usually in drum VSTi's they have a particular sample that will play the choke sound when the midi note assigned to that sound is triggered. So enable a midi track in Cakewalk, arm it to record, then on your drum kit play the choke, grab the cymbal and see what note is recorded in Cakewalk.

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