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Native Instruments - Subscription


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  On 12/8/2021 at 2:37 PM, TracingArcs said:

As a Komplete 13 user. This means nothing until they add stuff that means something. Currently it has no value and seems less than the bi-annual summer update.


Yep...they have KOMPLETE-LY missed the mark here...

They would have been MILES ahead just offering Kontakt....not the crap in this...

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The more people that go to this the more encouraged they will be. The only hope is it will be a total failure.

Rent to own is one thing.

9.99 a month forever is a long time. 

I get it. They want a regular more predictable income. I'm not sure this is the way to get it. Is everyone really that hard up they can't save and buy a program?Is this what it's all coming to?

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  On 12/8/2021 at 2:48 PM, Carlos Iglesias said:

Honestly, every day that goes by I get more and more tired of all this. Seriously thinking about giving only money to small developers and forget about all these sharks that want your money month after month.


From a business standpoint, I get that it's better to have a "monthly" income, rather than relying on "Sales", especially
in this overly saturated marketplace...but do I think that it's "wise"?  Not really.  Half of the fun was waiting on the "next"
big shoe to drop....but now it's like having Netflix...yeah, you get a lot, but if it's all crap, what did you really gain?

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  On 12/8/2021 at 2:54 PM, ZincT said:

Gotta agree - the content seems meagre for the price.

Different type of thing but compare that to what Slate give you for 9.99 a month.


EXACTLY!  And look at Presonus Sphere!  You get EVERY SINGLE THING for $14.99 a month, or even
LESS if you pay annually, which is almost cheaper than upgrading a perpetual license if you catch it on sale...

DUMB on Native Instruments part!  If they offered some of the "heavy hitters" for this price, it might have
been attractive to some...but I don't see anyone biting on what's in this package for $9.99 a month...

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I sincerely hope everyone just say NO - i hate subscriptions - for work I have to endure Microsoft and Adobe subscriptions - paying monthly for the privilege to use packages that rarely have meaningful updates...............

when Izotope went all Subscription on me I said NO - now I see that once again I am being offered a decent loyalty price to upgrade non subscription - I might say YES?



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they must have done some kind of research when they put this collection together  - and they must have looked at the use/sales data to work out what would sell.

I'm guessing that my 2 yearly upgrades are a kind of subscription but I think I get way more value for money than this package.

This subscription seems to make zero sense to me ?



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  On 12/8/2021 at 5:25 PM, Bajan Blue said:

when Izotope went all Subscription on me I said NO - now I see that once again I am being offered a decent loyalty price to upgrade non subscription - I might say YES?


With  Izotope and NI working together they could've at least thrown in the Izotope Elements series, as this clearly seems to be a bundle for beginners.  

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  On 12/8/2021 at 5:40 PM, simon said:

they must have done some kind of research when they put this collection together  - and they must have looked at the use/sales data to work out what would sell.

I'm guessing that my 2 yearly upgrades are a kind of subscription but I think I get way more value for money than this package.

This subscription seems to make zero sense to me ?




It could be that the investors want SAAS, but the NI managers don't see it working so they set up a test project which will fail so they could say "See our users don't want subscriptions"

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