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No sound when connecting a Roland UM-ONE mk2


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I have a Korg Z1 that I want to connect using a Roland UM-ONE mk2.  I connected it  from the "In" and "Out" on the Z1 to a USB connector on the computer.  The driver loads automatically for Windows 10.  It shows up in my devices.  In Cakewalk it shows up in preferences under MIDI devices.  If I create a MIDI track the settings I use are input=UM-ONE omni and output=4 UM-ONE.  The sound meter goes up and down when a key is pressed.  Is it just the wrong settings?


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Are you expecting to hear sound from the Korg? Is it connected to an amplifier and speakers or can you plug headphones into the Z1 to hear it? Or are you expecting audio from your computer speakers or headphones?
The way you show it as connected will send a MIDI signal from the Korg to the UM-1 and computer DAW then out to the UM-1 and keyboard to play the notes you play. (?)
If the audio output of the Z1 isn't connected to anything, you won't hear it.
Also, the Z1 seems like an old piece of hardware, possibly made before USB was a thing. It may not work with a MIDI-to-USB converter. If it was instead connected to an audio interface which has MIDI ports, you would probably get better performance. Are you using an audio interface?

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Thank you for the replies!

I am expecting to hear a sound from the Korg.  I am expecting audio from my computer speakers or headphones 

"If the audio output of the Z1 isn't connected to anything, you won't hear it."  I don't know what this is.  By audio interface do you mean Focusrite 4i4.

In the screen shot the output is set to 3+.  If I play a key on the Korg the sound meter goes up and down but no sound.  If I set the output to 1+ I get sounds, but not the Korg sounds.  I'm missing something.


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I don't know what output 3+ is, but if changing it to 1 makes sound, that's probably the one you want to use.
The track you're recording on is called a Simple Instrument Track, which is a combination of a MIDI track and a software synthesizer audio track. The soft synth it's set to is the TTS-1. Did you look at John Vere's video about working with MIDI tracks linked above?
In order to hear sound from the Korg, insert a plain, old MIDI track. Set the inputs and outputs of that track to the Korg. Plug headphones into the Korg. Listen on the headphones.

If you want to hear the Korg's sound on the computer speakers, that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

Do you have an audio interface (that's a fancy sound card designed for use with recording programs like Cakewalk, with lots of different input and output options and better performance than you would get from a common computer sound card)?

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Thanks for the response!

It takes me awhile to process what you and John are trying to tell me.  I just have a Focusrite 4i4 that goes into a USB port in the computer.  I have a Korg Wavestation EX plugged into the Focusrite 4i4 and this play sounds through my speakers just fine.  If I use the same plugins for the Korg Z1.  I must have something plugged in wrong because John has told me the Focusrite 4i4 should be able to attach two keyboards.  I will work on it and let you know how it goes.  Again, thank you very much.  have a great day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what happens.  If I connect the Roland UM-one which uses Din plugs and plugs into a USB port to a Casio WK-1200 I get sound through the speakers.  If I connect the UM-one to the Korg EX I do not get any sound through the speakers or movement on the sound meter.  If I connect Din plug cables to the Korg and the Focusrite 4i4 I get no sound through the speakers or no movement on the sound meter.  If I take the same Din plug cables from the Korg and plug them into the Casio WK-1200 and the Din plugs of the Focusrite 4i4 I get sound through the speakers and on the sound meter which to me means the cables are good and the UM-one is good.  I contacted Focusrite support and they did some tests and said the 4i4 is working fine.   They also had me run a file called MIDI-OX which showed the Korg was producing MIDI.  I was assuming that if you wanted MIDI that attaching Din cables would work.    

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This what I ended up doing.  For the Casio I used the UM-ONE mk2 which is Din plugs to a USB port on the computer.  For the Korg Wavestation EX  I plugged in 1/4"  jacks into the Korg at the back of the keyboard into 1/L  and 2R.  Then into the Focusrite 4i4 into line outputs 3 and 4.  If I want to use the Korg Z1 I plug the 1/4" jacks into the Z1 at the back line/mono and R.  Then into the Focusrite 4i4into line outputs 3 and 4.  I am able to record with all these arrangements.  From what I can figure out from the tutorial this is not correct.  But I don't know what else to do.  Except for the Casio the Din cords do not work with either of the Korgs.   Yes, I know audio and midi are different.  I can do audio with the mic and a guitar.

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John, thank you for the diagram.  What I am thinking is that the diagram shows me is that not only do I have the Din cables plugged in to the Focusrite but the 1/4" plugs plugged into 1/L and 2/R on the Korg and on the Focusrite line inputs 3 and 4 for the Korg keyboards to work.  Is that correct?

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I have had this exact USB to MIDI converter for many years to drive a Yamaha SW1000XG (circa 1999) card via its 5 pin din connectors

This has worked flawlessly since - with every iteration of Cakewalk up to CbB 2012, Build 102

The audio out  of the SW1000XG is connected to my mixer via two of the Mixers channels (Two mono channels for stereo out).

If I want, I can also route this signal back into Cakewalk via a Focusrite 2i2 inputs.

Remember, the USB to MIDI converter carries data only.  If the audio out of the Korg is not connected to anything (mixer or amp), you will not hear anything.

Of course, you need to make sure the MIDI receive channel of the Korg matches the channel that your MIDI events are transmitted on.

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