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Stage Fright

Tim Smith

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I believe all of the great advice here (and a great read it had been!) Is missing the important point that it's a church gig.

In a smaller congregation setting where everyone knows the players and parishoners without a scorecard, no problem, that's a very friendly and forgiving audience. And God will forgive you any misfingered trespasses. All will be well! Enjoy!

And if it's a big megachurch, you're judged like it's the Rapture for every single note and mannerism you produce. Lord be with you cause the self-appointed critics in the pews may not be.


Go for it and have fun!





Edited by PhonoBrainer
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I have had stage fright once...

As a singer and conferencier now for many years..
Someone told me to pick someone out of the audience and just focus on them and speak to them normally as you would every day.
best advice I was ever given.
I can perform to 1000's and don't feel nervous at all.

I used to be a really shy guy with a bad stutter...  the first time I went busking cured that  ?

Edited by garybrun
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I busted my keyster to get this part fast. I'll post a vid of the way I usually play it ( The Star Of Munster) much slower and the faster version that this score called for between verses. 112 bpm with 4 16th notes on each down/up beat. That's fast.

  I had a couple of technical questions too. Is this the right mic on stage for the violin? It didn't seem to be picking me up very well. I understand some distance helps to minimize string noises, yet in this application I think maybe I needed another setup to be heard.

I came in slightly late on my intro part. The band covered it up pretty well that most didn't notice it. I'm sure you musicians here will notice it. If that video doesn't start at 28:32 that is the time mark to hear it. Of course the camera panned on me while I was making violin faces. I worked really hard to get this right but this was the first time I played it with the band and the jazz feel kinda threw me off, especially for a song with an Irish flavor. I guess I wasn't 100% due to this. I stayed in time the rest of the song. Sounded better live. I was louder. The broadcast feed isn't that great. 

It's interesting I actually received a lot of compliments on my playing. I came away feeling as if I had bombed it. It's hard to tell because when you're looking out at 200 Presbyterians most are not giving any outward indication. Very little feedback from the audience either way. After reviewing this I think the faster part the score called for didn't quite gel. 


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very cool stuff. i have been debating lately  i gotta try to join a folk band or something in my community. my old band mate started making rock and roll again and i have been putting down tracks and stuff, but many times i keep thinking . why i am doing this loud trashy music? will try to get some east coast folk music books from the local library and try to see what i can learn to play.

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