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If I Accidentally Exported a Mono track as Stereo...


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6 hours ago, chamlin said:

If no panning was on that exported track, can that track just be converted with no harm to mono?

Your good ?.  It can be bounced/rendered down to a mono track with no harm, as long as the bounce settings are set up correctly.

Usually what happens when you do that is that you just get one side of a 2 sided stereo channel, so either the left or right channel is bland and the other side has the audio/vocal track.

FYI: I got your new 'mono' file

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Think of it this way...when you play a center-panned mono track through your speakers, they are playing the same exact waveform through both speakers. This happens whether you're playing back in "mono" or in stereo. The end result of what comes out the speakers is exactly the same. 

So if it's impractical to re-export, just tell the engineer to whom you're sending the file to convert it to mono on his end. No harm will be done. Even then, he might elect not to bother if it's a centered instrument such as a vocal, kick drum or bass. 

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bitflipper! Nice to see you here. Thanks. I guess I'll have to determine whether I'll remember to do it properly in the future without having to redo them all, or whether having to redo them will increase the odds of my never wanting to go through that again. :)

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