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Song - Interlude


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54 minutes ago, bjornpdx said:

Very pleasing interplay of lead gtr and backing guitars makes for a relaxing afternoon. I listened to some of your other tracks and they're all very good, esp River Ride that you posted a while ago.

Thank you for listening and commenting.  I wrote and recorded this song awhile ago.  It’s always fun to listen to something I haven’t heard for some time.

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6 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

Very mellow tune amiller. I liked it a lot. I felt like I should be on the front porch listening and sipping some sweet tea :) 

Thanks.  That’s close to how I feel as well when I listen back.  Here’s the picture in my mind’s eye:

I picture a farm house up on a hill overlooking a field of hay.  It’s just about dusk on a warm summer’s night and I’m sitting on the front porch with a friend.  We’re both looking out over the field, sipping wine, talking,  occasionally laughing  and rehashing the day’s events.  Of course, Interlude is playing in the background.

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8 hours ago, Leadfoot said:

Very nice, relaxing tune. I love the gentle soloing over the top, too. It puts me in a serene, happy state of mind. Nice job man!

Thanks so much.  Having my music effect someone’s mood is the best kind of compliment.

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8 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Nice chilled blend of acoustic guitar, with a little electric thrown in for good measure, nice stuff.

Thanks for listening.  Actually,  the bass guitar is the only electric.  The rhythm and lead were both done on acoustic.

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1 hour ago, Johnbee58 said:

Pretty and relaxing.  There's a special place in my heart for acoustic guitar music. 

?John B

Thanks for the kind words and listening.  Yep, there’s something about acoustic guitar that touches me as well.?

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1 hour ago, Johnbee58 said:

Did you ever listen to a guy named Will Ackerman?  This kinda sounds like his style.


No, I haven't heard any of Will Ackerman's music.  I'll have to look him up and give a listen.  I'm always looking for new (to me) stuff.  Thanks for the tip.

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34 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

John Fahey is also an excellent finger style player:



and if you like it a bit weird, the late great Michael Hedges is worth a listen:



Really cool stuff.  Here’s my favorite:


Edited by amiller
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6 hours ago, Lynn said:

Sweet!  This is very well produced and played.  I like TE, too.  Thanks for putting this up.

As usual, thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment...much appreciated.?

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3 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

I enjoyed the listen to this song - the acoustics sounded very nice to my ears - cool guitar playing.  The mix sounded fine to my ears - very relaxing vibe. Only crit - it ended too abruptly.

Thanks for posting.

Thanks for the comments.  Yep, it does end abruptly.  I originally thought I was going to do a fade-out but when I came back to  do the final mix down I discovered I liked some of the stuff after the original fade out point...so...

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