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8DIO Black Friday Sale

Larry Shelby

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I have been looking for a solo cello. I own 8Dio's Intimate Studio Strings, but the cello is too quirky to be useful as an all around cello for my needs which range from folk rock to prog rock. I was planning on buying 8Dio's Deep Solo Cello, but Fluffy Audio's Trio Broz Solo Cello has since gotten my attention and I'm trying to choose between the two. I would love to hear from anyone who owns 8Dio's Deep Solo Cello who could share their thoughts.  Reid had given me insights on a few other cellos, but didn't apparently didn't have this one (okay, in this forum, he easily could also own this one but didn't mention it!).  After my disappointment with Intimate Solo Strings and finding 8Dio's scripting to be disappointing, I am especially considering Fluffy Audio. But I did love the demos of Deep Solo Cello, but a lot of that tends to be that I really enjoy Troel's musical imagination. 

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I take it that "gelato action" is a Fluffy reference because they're Italian?   

I ended up buying 8Dio's Solo Cello and Violin, but I keep going back to Fluffy Audio's page. I really like the 8Dio cello -- but the tone of the cello is a bit rough/harsh. I think Fluffy's  cello is significantly less harsh and a friend of mine told me that the scripting is a lot more user friendly. 

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