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Atlas 2 - 50% off

Mark B

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Short answer, it compares well. (Better in my opinion, read on.)

I looked at atlas 1.0 last year and meh. I tried 2.0 this year and wow! So I have it now.

I had some questions about integrating it with my daw (S1 these days), so wrote to the founder/lead dev who informed me that all my issues were done away with in 2.1 which came out this past Monday. Plus a bunch of new features. I think the current Atlas is great, no glitches, lots of fun, "smart" random, easy to save/restore preset--both kits and sequence drag/drop integrated with daw (I _think_ cw integrates too). You can use it as a track in your daw, or set up a kit/sequence with it and then move that to your drum instrument of choice. (I mean I thought I would use Atlas to find samples for a kit and then put the kit in--in my case--Impact inside S1. I find there are enough controls over the kit samples inside Atlas that I just leave it there and get on with the other tracks.)

I looked at XO a while ago and was lukewarm on that. (If you get the full XO, you get GBs of drum samples, but if you are looking at either XO or Atlas, you already HAVE GBs of samples!) I am happy with Atlas at full price. For half price, just get it. If you demoed 1.0, the 2.0 demo resets and lets you try it again.

Not just drum hits. I have done some randomish things like create an Atlas library pointing to all the DimPro samples or Alchemy samples I have collected over the years. I get some wild kits!

I don't have any connection with algonaut, other than trading emails and grooving on/with Atlas. 

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Okay, the price for each--Atlas & XO--is just about even steven (apologies to Stephen).  So you could a) pick the one that is absolutely the lowest price ("Score!") or b) go the due diligence route and demo each to decide which is going to work better with your flow because ultimately price is only one of many vectors that lead to your ultimate decision. There's option c) but that smacks of preachy so we'll leave it at a & b.

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If you don't have lots of drum samples, XO comes with over 8000 of them.

Does Atlas offer an alternative way to list the samples, like a simple categorized list? I'm demoing XO and I feel like I'm playing the most annoying memory game in the world. Those dots are defintely not for me.

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12 hours ago, Craig N said:

The smart option is to demo both and choose the one you like best. But GAS demands buying both while they're cheap. Otherwise you might regret your decision later ?

GAS demands to just buy, don’t even demo, and then a year later try to buy it again when you forgot you already owned it.

  • Great Idea 1
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