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Toontrack Orchestral Percussion SDX has arrived!

Larry Shelby

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anybody tried this yet ?

I'm just having a play but I'm noticing some odd things

eg - select brushes/mallets for the yamaha toms in OP1 and you still get sticks

part presets for mallets/brushes in OP1 also have no toms, implying that those articulations don't exist.


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7 minutes ago, cclarry said:

If you got this, see this thread


already done :) and thanks again Larry - and to answer my own question from previously, the samples are different. You can tell at low velocities but at higher velocities the difference is very subtle 



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So far I haven't been all that impressed with the Orchestral Percussion SDX.  It has a lot of well recorded samples/etc, but if you want say an epic storm drum like sound, you are kind of on your own.  The raw materials are there, but the included mixes are all pretty bland.   The included MIDI library is equally bland.  To be fair they don't sell it like it's the perfect trailer music drum library.  For the cost and size I had thought they would have gone the extra mile in setting up mixes for something other than textbook bland orchestra music.


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