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Setting up Cakewalk to record multiple tracks at one time

Barry Wilkins

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I have been using Cakewalk for many, many years, going back to Cakewalk 6.0 and every upgrade that was made. I would like to see and hear more on setting the applications in Cakewalk to record multiple tracks at one time. For example, recording a band with some direct instruments and the others mic'ed. Include with this, how to set the in's to cut dry and give the musicians and vocals the warmth of different reverbs and effects and possibly different mix. How to set the AUX's and send the effects back to the artist while recording. This would also apply to using multiple mic's on a live drum kit for possible 8 to 10 mic's including the overheads and room mic's and giving the drummer the full sound in his headphones. This would make my day to see this performed and captured in Cakewalk.





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The simplest way is have an audio interface with multiple ins and outs.  Cakewalk will record as many ins as one has. Just make sure each track is set to use the input from the appropriate in from the interface.

Setting an out for each performer is simple if you have an interface with multiple outs. You would use a bus that is sent to the out needed.  You may need a headphone amp for each person.   

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  • 5 years later...

no, in the box VI don't need an audio interface per se - but you likely want to hear things - so some interface even if it's only the built-in audio IO is needed for monitoring. for example in a recent project w/ 8 VI and 22 tracks (mostly drums) i simply arm all the audio output for those instruments and press record. sip some beverage and then it's done, disarm the tracks and voila! 22 audio tracks.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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